Saint Joseph's University (UNITED STATES)
About this paper:
Conference name: 10th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 16-18 November, 2017
Location: Seville, Spain
Colleges and universities can have an impact on the entire field of education when preparing teachers for one of the most challenging part of the job: teaching literacy. When teachers are properly trained and have a toolbox of strategies and teaching techniques to use, they can have a tremendous impact on student learning. In teacher preparation courses, pre- service teachers have the opportunity to learn content and pedagogy while field experiences allow them to practice their newly learned skills. This study explores what instruction teachers need to have, in order to teach reading effectively, especially when teaching students who struggle with literacy. Coletti (2013) refers to these students as SEEDS students: Struggling readers and learners from all social groups, Economically disadvantaged youngsters, English language learners, Dyslexic students and Specific learning disabilities and language impairments. The purpose of this research was to explore one university’s students’ perspectives on an early literacy teacher preparation.Keywords:
Pre-service teachers, Literacy, Field experience.