University of Trieste (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 3493-3498
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.0979
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
The use of at-distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted critical issues and problems in maintaining continuity in teaching and ensuring the active involvement of all students (Lewin, 2020). The difficulties that both the teachers and the students have faced require a radical change of pedagogy in the digital environments (Moss et al, 2020). Moreover, vulnerability is more evident in the digital environment, producing higher risk of early school leaving and failure. Starting from these assumptions, this work explores through a survey, the teachers’ views about distance learning during pandemic and the risks faced by vulnerable students. The survey is aimed to better understand who are the most difficult to reach students, which are the major obstacles encountered and which teaching methodologies have been tested. The article proposes a critical reflection and draw possible perspectives that can guide the teaching work, with the aim of achieving, also through distance learning, the inclusion and participation of all.

79 teachers of secondary school participated in the survey. The teachers answered to an online questionnaire at the end of a series of seminars organized by a research group from University of Trieste (in Italy), concerning various aspects related to distance learning.
The questionnaire
The questionnaire investigate some aspects involved in distance learning. Specifically, the questions presented in this work explored the following issues:
1. Who are the most difficult students to reach
2. Criticalities encountered with foreign-born students'
3. Use of "active" teaching methods
4. Use of collaborative teaching methodologies.

1. Who are the most difficult students to reach
The answers given by the teachers highlight how the most difficult students to reach are those who show weaknesses due to various factors, both attributable to individual difficulties and to social and environmental aspects.
2. Criticalities encountered with foreign-born students'
In general, teachers find more difficulties for foreign-born students' to follow the distance learning. The reasons are due to the lesser support received by the family in the use of Distance Learning; to the greater difficulties in accessing the internet and using devices.
3. Use of "active" teaching methods:
In general teachers reported an infrequent use of “active" teaching methodologies during distance learning.
4. Use of collaborative teaching methodologies:
Teachers report that they do not propose so often group activities during distance learning.

Supporting the learning paths of vulnerable students becomes more crucial than ever in distance learning, as the difficulties that emerge place this segment of the population even more at risk of failure. The planning of activities becomes relevant in order to provide inclusive teaching, able to respond to complex educational needs, even at a distance.

[1] Lewin, K. M. (2020). Contingent reflections on coronavirus and priorities for educational planning and development. Prospects, 49(1), pp. 17-24.
[2] Moss, G., Allen, R., Bradbury, A., Duncan, S., Harmey, S., & Levy, R. (2020). Primary teachers' experience of the COVID-19 lockdown–Eight key messages for policymakers going forward. UCL Institute of Education, London.
Distance Learning, COVID-19, Hard to reach students, Didactic design.