Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 6229-6233
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.1584
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
The article is devoted to the results of an empirical study of the psychological characteristics of self-realization of future IT specialists in the context of professional development.
Introduction. The large-scale and dynamic digitalization of modern society and, as a result, the growing need in the labor market for qualified highly specialized IT specialists has led to the fact that in the modern educational process a huge niche is occupied by computer disciplines for all areas of training.
It becomes obvious that in addition to the formation of professional competencies, the modern higher school is faced with the task of preparing students for successful self-realization in a constantly changing environment. Thus, the need to study the psychological characteristics of self-realization of the subjects of the educational process is actualized (Kudinov S.I. (2021,2020,2019) Khrebin M.V., (2019), Kudinov S.S. (2017, 2016), Golushko T.K. (2016), Zhang Peng Hao (2016).

Self-realization seems to us to be a complex psychological education that ensures the success of an individual's self-expression in various spheres of life, including professional. Taking into account the specifics of the professional activity of digital technology specialists, it can be assumed that for the development of professionalism and maintenance of the productivity of activity, the individual psychological characteristics of a specialist are of particular importance, ensuring the optimal level of professional self-realization.

Studying the characteristics of self-realization of future IT specialists during the period of professional training can be a significant factor in their professional development. At the same time, the successful self-realization of students in the conditions of professional development can be a complex psychological phenomenon characterized by formed orientations in life, adequate self-attitude and self-esteem, a high level of awareness of life goals and preference for effective styles of self-regulation of personality behavior.

The study of indicators of self-realization provides an opportunity to fully study the personal characteristics of IT specialists and establish the factors that contribute or hinder their professional development.

The empirical research was carried out on the basis of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow). The sample consisted of 130 students of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Institute of Applied Informatics and Telecommunications, studying IT specialties. The age range of the respondents is 17-25 years old.
To study the characteristics of self-realization of students, the "Multidimensional questionnaire of self-realization of personality" (Kudinov S.I.) was used. The authors carried out a cluster analysis of the results, dividing the initial sample into 3 clusters, each of which is a set of characteristics of self-realization that determine the specificity of its manifestation in each of the groups.

The research results can serve as the basis for optimizing higher education programs in the context of the formation of successful professional self-realization of students, taking into account the main characteristics of their subjectivity, and also serve as a basis for further study of the personal and professional development of a future specialist.
Self-realization, professional self-realization, students, IT specialists.