University of Patras, Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics (GREECE)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 8501-8505
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.2165
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
3D virtual worlds (VWs) are popular in students activities and an interesting area of research evolving educational games to demonstrate new learning practices in education. In our Erasmus+ projects we have developed various educational games in VWs (Agrient, Biz4Fun, Avares, NET, Entreality) teaching courses in the area of agriculture, physics, business etc . Algorithm teaching, is a very important subject for our students. It is part of introductory courses and the core content of data structures courses of undergraduate computing courses. Various tools and studies have been proposed to support learning and in depth understanding.
We propose an approach using 3D Virtual Wolds. The application that is being developed includes a 3D environment using UNITY, in which students will be able to assimilate algorithm concepts. We are currently developing the sorting algorithms part, and more specifically some variations of gameplay styles.

Sorting Gameplay:
At the current stage of development, the application creates a set number of containers with random values in a range that is set by the designer. The player then has the option to move values around from container to container. When the values are generated, the application also calculates the optimal steps that are required in order for the array to be sorted. Once that step is complete, a series of steps in a Quest-like form are generated and the user can follow these in order to complete the sorting operation.

The gameplay is the basis for a set of 3 variations and feedback to the tutor:
-Demonstration: The student is unable to move in the world and simply watches a NPC(Non-playable character) follow the steps in order to sort the array. This variation is meant to serve as a tutorial of sorts for each algorithm. The student will be able to watch this as many times as they would like.
-Guided: The student is able to move the values around the containers, again with the purpose of sorting the array of containers in an ascending order. He has to follow the objectives as they are provided to them and can only move values around on the containers that are part of the current step. This makes sure that he doesn't get confused by randomly moving values around and messing up the process.
-Unobstructed: The student is freely able to move around and move and place values around containers as they please. There is no limitation, no forced guidance in place to guide the played in a specific direction. Instead there are 2 metrics that serve to incentivize the user into playing this variation. The user tracks the steps that they have taken since the beginning of the level against the ideal number of steps calculated by the algorithm. On top of this there exists a timer which tracks how much time the user spent on the level. This data will then be placed on a leaderboard where a user can track their progress against other users of the application.

Logging Analytics to support tutor:
During the activity log files will keep track of students actions .
• Time spent in each part of the three variations
• Moves of the values around the containers (Guided part, Unobstructed)
• Achievements –Score-Time spent

The logfiles gathered during the pilot phase will be analysed in order for us to design in later phase feedback for the student, through NPCs and PAs.
The pilot phase, and evaluation of the application is expected to be implemented during 2023.
Teaching Algorithms, Sorting Algorithms, Virtual Worlds.