Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (CHILE)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 9617-9623
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.2524
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
COVID 19 forced a rapid and forced change to 100% online education, which allowed us to maximize the creativity of teachers, break paradigms and prompted us to reflect and evaluate our practices in the classroom.

Developing the specific competencies of the discipline, under a 100% online modality, implied making methodological adjustments, specifically, designing practical online activities, with the use of ICT that would allow significant learning in students. In this way, different technological resources were developed which were used in four subjects at different levels of the training process of the Civil Geological Engineering career, impacting more than one hundred students.

The present work aims to share the implementation of online practices with the use of ICT and provide evidence of the students' perception in relation to these activities with the use of technological resources and their impact on learning and motivation.

To design the online practices, it was considered: Enhance student-centered activities, develop specific competencies of the discipline (classification of geological components, solve problems of different levels of complexity and spatial ability), and carry out implementation in themes, which historically generate difficulty. in students.

To evaluate the perception of students in relation to online practices with the use of ICT and its impact on motivation and learning, a Likert-type survey was carried out, which was anonymous and voluntary. An open question was included to collect suggestions or observations.

The online practices designed were implemented in subjects of the third (Mineralogy), fourth (Petrology, Solid Mechanics) and fifth semester (Fluid Mechanics) of the Civil Geological Engineering career, during the period 2020-2021. For these activities, the following technological resources were developed: Mobile application and tutorial videos to improve the process of identification, description and classification of rocks.

Videos with step-by-step problem solving on topics such as fluid statics to generate greater understanding and confidence in students to address these topics.
Objects in PDF-3D to contribute to a three-dimensional look and to the achievement of a mental geometric representation of the object under study, in Crystallography and in Solid Mechanics.

The applied perception survey covered 75% of the enrolled students. The positive assessment of the students stands out in relation to the fact that online practices with the use of ICT facilitate their understanding of the contents, allow them to better understand the problem posed and motivate them to learn. Regarding whether they would recommend the use of technological resources in other subjects, more than 85% of the students answered affirmatively. In the open question some students indicated "I liked it a lot since it made the course more dynamic, and out of the ordinary like zoom classes", "I think that making video tutorials on subject items is very practical" , among other comments.

From the implementation of online practices with ICT, it was possible to identify some key aspects for future implementations: carry out a prior planning of the online practical activities, develop simple and appropriate technological resources to the learning that is expected to be achieved, promote moments of group reflection on the achievements and promote a reflective and flexible teacher.
ICT, learning, online.