University of Valladolid (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 3487-3491
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0905
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
The utilization of 3D printing in education has evolved into a highly esteemed tool. One of its key advantages lies in its capacity to generate physical models and prototypes, fostering a more profound comprehension of concepts and encouraging creativity and hands-on learning.

In Crystallography, 3D printing proves exceptionally beneficial for crafting three-dimensional physical models of crystal structures, spatial symmetry groups, and crystal habits, among other aspects. Specific models streamline the visualization and understanding of symmetry and the arrangement of atoms and molecules in crystals. Printing virtual crystal models transforms abstract concepts into tangible objects, enabling students to see and touch them, thus facilitating a better grasp of their characteristics on a static structure level.

Concurrently, within the domain of Geology, this technique enables the creation of three-dimensional physical models representing geological formations (folds, faults, strata), minerals (textures, cleavages, habits), fossils (replicas), and other Earth-related concepts that are often not readily accessible in laboratories. Experimentation is crucial in allowing students to establish connections between various geological concepts.

Drawing from our experience, we propose designing and implementing 3D-printed three-dimensional models as essential educational tools. This approach seeks to enrich in-person education and, more broadly, complement and enhance current teaching methodologies related to geology or crystallography content.

Furthermore, the flexibility and accessibility of centralized Fablab facilities at the University of Valladolid for students facilitate the project's expansion. As a result of this project, the students actively engage in the model creation process and even have individual access to further their study of these models.

To achieve the objectives of this project, a series of steps were developed that were divided into 5 tasks, which are as follows:
- Task 1: Compile, organize, and select freely accessible resources generated by other institutions or persons regarding three-dimensional models.
- Task 2: Identify teaching aspects of difficult comprehension, which are the focus of this project and are not well represented in free repositories (previously compiled resources) for the in-house development of these three-dimensional models.
- Task 3: Optimization of model printing. Fine-tune 3D printing parameters to obtain the models. Conduct print tests with the corresponding optimization of the printing process.
- Task 4: Test and evaluate the implementation of the models in the teaching of this course, receiving feedback from the professors involved in the learning and students. This aims to assess and optimize the implementation of these resources and their subsequent dissemination through open access on various websites (Department, Research Groups, VirtUVa).
- Task 5: Project dissemination. Provide access to the visualization of three-dimensional models developed by the professor or students. This will be done in two ways. Firstly, the new models that have been created will be placed in freely accessible repositories on various websites such as Thingiverse.

Additionally, access to the developed pieces will be provided to other teachers if they wish, considering it all to give access to the dissemination of resources developed in this project.
3D Printing, Geology, Crystallography, Virtual Crystal Structures.