American Public University (UNITED STATES)
About this paper:
Conference name: 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2017
Location: Valencia, Spain
While everyone instructor hopes to create a learning environment in which will encourage and motive learners, there may be other factors affecting not only the environment, but also the teaching process. Rather than focus on just one factor, today’s instructors need to think outside of the box and consider both internal and external factors which touch upon and perhaps affect both the teaching and learning process. In terms of the teaching process, some of the inhibiting factors can be the instructor’s teaching skills and abilities. With the growing number of Baby Boomers retiring, there is a large divide in the teaching process, and many educational institutions are rushing to fill positions. During this process, the academic schools may be cutting some qualifications to at least fill the positions with applicants with basic educational requirements, but with the promise of additional training and perhaps mentoring. On the other hand of the spectrum, today’s students are entering higher education with a higher level of technological knowledge and skills, which can cause a challenge for some instructors who may not be as technologically savvy as they need to be for the ever-changing technology in today’s classroom. This paper will address how technology can be used to create strong instructional skills sets for these new instructors entering into higher education teaching, as well as demonstrating to them how technology can be used for both time management and project management to incorporate into their own instructional toolkit. While some academic institutions may be limited with some areas of technology, this does not excuse today’s educators from not being up to date with technology and learning continuously how to improve upon their own skills sets to help motivate and encourage their students to follow their example. It should be noted that there is a need today, more than ever before, for the teaching profession to experience its own renaissance and excel in its role and function to shape and mold current adult learners’ minds and guide them into the path of lifelong learning, as well as showing them how technology can be more of a friend than just the vehicle for social media alone and email. Keywords:
Adult learning, teaching, technology, teaching strategies, lifelong learning.