Sveučilište u Zadru (CROATIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 3984-3991
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.1089
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
A man is growing and learning his whole life, and childhood is a period when certain processes are happening much quicker than in later life phases. From this, we can understand that a child has a potential that is subsequently being developed in certain circumstances. Today, technology has entered every household and it is confirmed, according to available data, that more and more children are exposed to the influence of „different screens“, whose content can be educational, but also inappropriate. Depending on the age, content choice, time spent watching, along with the children's affinities, exposure can lead to different results (positive, negative and the possibility of no influence). Excessive watching of animated movies in children can cause changes in behaviour; there is also a visible influence on affectiveness, cognitive development, as well as on education. It is confirmed that watching television starts from early childhood and is frequently continued to adolescence when it gradually slows down. A child firstly becomes aware of the screen at the age of six months, by the 2,5 – 3 years they become active spectators, and in the age of 3 – 6 years animated movies take an important place in their life. Even though there are different attitudes in regards to media influence, certain recent research confirms that due to an increase in tracking certain content, even 3 – 4 hours a day, there appears a phenomenon of inadequate development of critical thinking. Moreover, children cannot dedicate themselves to other activities, and the interaction, as well as socialization with other people, is changing. We can say that children today live in the age of „media“ childhood and the parents and children must be additionally informed on how to properly choose adequate content and use time limitations. In addition to media literacy, their attention should also be focused on information literacy to quality communicate, research and create.This paper will discuss the influence of contemporary media on children and youth. We will define mobile learning, then e-learning, with corresponding examples of Croatian practice – by emphasizing their advantages and disadvantages. The goal of this paper is to awaken parents in regards to media influence, in order for them to guide children better towards the development of critical attitude towards media content, that is, the recognition of good and bad, hidden meanings, manipulation, etc. Moreover, the emphasis on defining online learning is crucial due to the increased need for research that will show its influence on society, short-term trends, as well as navigating freely within the webspace with the goal of „smart consuming“ the offered content and educating parents, other adults and children.
Media, childhood, education, technology, online learning, e-learning, digital age, electronical age.