Liepaja University (LATVIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 10860-10869
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.2257
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Rapid technological development and virtual learning opportunities affect the educational process and change the learning environment. Technological development introduces changes in teaching, learning, and assessment processes. Online resources available through technology significantly support the organization of the distance learning process. In flipped learning approach, traditional education combines with e-learning by using online learning tools. In this approach, activities are traditionally done in class now students do at home, usually by watching educational videos and activities traditionally done as homework now students complete in online lessons engaging in the active learning process. Information and communication technology tools and active learning methods are fundamental parts of flipped learning which significantly influence the learning environment. The teacher in this model is not the main one who provides his/her knowledge to the students. The student-centred learning process is organized, in which the students learn in-depth and develop competencies, but the teacher is the leader, assistant, mentor, coach. The flipped learning can support implementing a collaborative, student-centred learning environment in face-to-face and distance learning and reach the goal for students of Latvia's primary education curriculum to use knowledge and skills in new real-life situations, collaborate with others, discover the answers and construct the solutions.

Many studies are describing flipped learning in upper-secondary and higher education in different subject areas. Unfortunately, little research promotes flipped learning in the elementary classroom and is not well recognized in our country. Thus, the study's objective is to analyze steps necessary to prepare lessons according to flipped learning principles and attract attention to flipped learning potential in the elementary classroom's online classes.

This article is a case study of online flipped learning in grade 6. The study reveals necessary preparation stages for teachers and the involvement and achievement of 70 students in History class. The study is conducted in 2021 from March 23 till April 27.

This article analyzes the theoretical framework of using flipped learning approach, principles to consider, advantages and limitations, and necessary preparation for teachers to realize flipped learning approach. This paper illustrates an effort to implement flipped learning-based distance teaching-learning process and assessment methodologies using Information and Communications Technology tools to achieve the course outcomes.

The theoretical framework analysis revealed that it is essential to think about the whole process of distance flipped learning from setting the specific aim of what students have to reach, publishing the material for students to prepare for the lesson, and organizing the active distance learning process. The tools described here will give teachers an idea of using technology when developing students-paced learning processes at home and a dynamic, collaborative distance learning environment. The case study reflects students' involvement in the learning process and the results achieved through distance flipped learning.
Elementary school, Flipped learning, online learning, Information and Communications Technology tools.