1 Università degli Studi "A.Moro" di Bari (ITALY)
2 Università degli Studi della Calabria (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 6946-6957
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.1489
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
The new psychoeducational-pedagogical epistéme of an ecological nature stands in opposition to Descartes' anthropocentric model according to which the world is reduced to a machine/object and man is its dominator, owner. New wisdom paths bring to light the extraordinary concept taken up in the various theological, philosophical, pedagogical, sociological and scientific currents of modernity:Nature as a reality other than Man, endowed with its own dignity,ontological,aesthetic values,ethics that requires a relationship of fruitful "alliance", of dialogue and collaboration, not of domination;a knowledge and then respect how you respect yourself.In this new ecological epistéme that has been established and consolidated over these years, it is necessary:to re-examine the relationship between Man and Nature and to support and encourage future citizens of the world to an ecological and anthropological sensitivity capable of building a planetary humanism to allow us to dis-human globalization to an eco-centric planetarization [MANGHI,S.,2009].Many international organizations that, from the 1960s and for various reasons, have been interested in the "new ecology", in an "education" to the environment that has evolved over time, passing from a first phase of purely cognitive interest to the taking charge of environmental problems through a process of maturation that led her to understand and gradually face all the aspects that characterize the issue of "sustainability" linked to the environment and, in particular, social sustainability, which it is a set of equity and social justice, democracy and participation, scientific research and technological innovation, a system of values, lifestyles, therefore a new concept of human well-being.Sustainability and care for the environment at the educational level is legitimized by environmental pedagogy and ecological psychology, redefining the practices connected in various ways with environmental education.The teaching of the environment will therefore have to question the relationships between environment and knowledge (implicit and explicit, formal and informal), promoting the search for meanings and values of the training action, analyzing the methodological and operational conditions, deepening and adapting the methods and teaching / learning styles, using new languages and new multimedia tools Our contribution aims, after an examination of the concept of ecological sustainability through various currents: pedagogical, psychological, theological, etc., to highlight how environmental education stimulates the transition from knowledge to environmental awareness and promotes "that primary sense of responsibility which translates into doing one's job well, in taking care of oneself, of the objects, of the environments that one visits, both natural and social "also through the use of digital tools. The environmental education laboratory in the Primary School that we are going to present becomes the symbol of a multidimensional school, open to research-action and the planning of the future of humanity through "getting your hands dirty", experimenting with the senses and use of all those technological tools that, even after Covid-19, help the future citizen of the world to be the builder of an active, aware and competent society.
New ecological, Ecological sustainability, Social sustainability.