University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 4465-4474
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.1070
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
The Covid-19 pandemic brought a new outlook on spaces use, and subsequently, is implying several transformations. The pandemic determined countless changes in people’s daily lives, affecting society in different segments, from the house organization, to work routines and public space use. This period allowed a reflection on current models adopted by communities in relation to their way of life, allowing an adaption to current circumstances which may, or may not, be maintained in the future.

The confinement process was the archetype chosen by the vast majority as a way of preventing and combating the pandemic, amidst other general behavioural guidelines, such as social distancing, respiratory etiquette, and the use of face masks. The evolution of the pandemic defined the strategy adopted, which could be more or less restrictive, with a greater or lesser predisposition to social contacts. Subsequently, these factors of prevention and containment contributed to the culmination of certain trends of the social body, emerging a return to natural elements, with the use of outdoor spaces and the benefits that originate from this contact. There was a rediscovery of outdoor spaces as a response to the restrictions imposed. This study will look beyond the context of exterior spaces and how they relate to the school dynamics and to what benefit, but also considering these as spaces with new potential after the pandemic. The research aims to analyse the outdoor spaces of primary schools, studying the constraints and trends emerging, to unpick what direct links covid-19 had on the spaces use patterns.

As follows, the investigation consists of a thorough study of two case studies, located in Madeira Island, Portugal, while implementing a Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE). The POE implemented allowed, using several data collection tools, a characterization on the use of the exterior space, as well as the different user’s perceptions. The study also included a set of interviews with different stakeholders, such as the schools’ parents’ representatives and educators implementing programs to foster outdoor activities in primary schools. The study will contribute to the attainment of a critical analysis of the functional, social, and environmental performance of the outdoor school spaces. Although the results relate directly with the case studies, the interviews with educators from different contexts, allowed the identification of both singularities regarding the Madeira Island context and common patterns with other contexts.

Given that the study is under development, it is currently possible to discuss some preliminary conclusions of what has been observed and analysed so far. In both case studies, from the user’s point of view, it is mentioned that the outdoor spaces were always valued in the school dynamics but have gained a new importance after the start of the pandemic. However, according to the observations made, the recorded space uses do not differ from the pre-covid uses, and there is no evidence that the pandemic circumstances promoted new uses and dynamics. So, although there seems to be a change in perception and valuing of the exterior school spaces, its use is not effectively changing. This mismatch may be hampered by the design of the spaces, that may not allow or enhance new activities. This stresses out the importance of the design process in its early stages, with the aim of creating more flexible and versatile outdoor school spaces.
School, Architecture, Outdoor, Spaces, Post-Occupancy Evaluation, Covid-19.