1 University of Granada, Department of Analytical Chemistry (SPAIN)
2 H.H. Maristas La Inmaculada High School (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2012 Proceedings
Publication year: 2012
Pages: 5868-5875
ISBN: 978-84-616-0763-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 19-21 November, 2012
Location: Madrid, Spain
The teaching-learning process at the university must be active and communicative, and the implementation of EHEA (European Higher Education Area) entails a pedagogic renovation of the methodology. This can be done using new technologies, because we can prepare learning activities that make it possible to acquire several abilities with these new tools, which are the key to preparing our students for their future professional activities. In this context, it is necessary firstly to incorporate these new tools in the process, at which point collaboration between teachers and students or students and students must be promoted, establishing a dynamic exchange of information and interactivity to make it easy to acquire the concepts.
This is all possible when LMS platforms are used as tool containers. From the different platforms, we chose Moodle [1] for its versatility, because it comprises different aspects such as user administration, the incorporation of training activities, access control, learning monitoring and student assessment. The Moodle platform includes 2.0 tools such as wikis, blogs, multimedia tools, applets, freeware software, questionnaires (Hot Potatoes) and on-line tutoring.
In this work, 2.0 tools [2] are presented as a support for communication with students, intensifying the transmission of concepts using technologies that our students are familiar with (smartphones, iPads, tablet computers), where they can stay up-to-date via a simple search on their mobile devices. Additionally, 2.0 tools contribute to the organisation of laboratory activities because the student can choose the day and the most appropriate time to do their work. These tools help make certain that they are ready for laboratory activities by giving them a questionnaire before each laboratory session, the so-called “prelab questionnaire”, a learning activity in itself, as each questionnaire includes a feedback process to reinforce controlled on-line self-learning. Furthermore, 2.0 education contributes to the acquisition of different abilities such as problem-solving, teamwork, critical thinking, etc.
This new learning methodology was used for half a year in the subject “Analytical Chemistry I” at the University of Granada as part of the new chemistry degree with good results. These 2.0 tools offer the educational community a new way to complement the process of learning concepts that were once difficult to master.

[1] Pérez, Mª Teresa; Arratia, Óscar; Martín, Miguel A.; Galisteo, Diego. “Innovación en docencia universitaria con Moodle. Casos prácticos”, Ed. Club Universitario (2009).
[2] De Haro Orbé, J. J. “Redes sociales para la educación”, Ed. Anaya (2010).
Learning Managing Systems, Web 2.0 tools, Analytical Chemistry, Education 2.0.