1 N. Testemitanu (MOLDOVA)
2 State Medical and Pharmaceutical University "Nicolae Testemitanu" (MOLDOVA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2013 Proceedings
Publication year: 2013
Pages: 6922-6929
ISBN: 978-84-616-3847-5
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 18-20 November, 2013
Location: Seville, Spain
The proposed project has as aim the achievement of an educational connection at domestic and social level in the families where one of the parents is working abroad.

The first element of the project is the development of an approach of work in tandem: the user, who learns in collaboration with the parent the language spoken by the parent in the State where he works. It is preferable for tandemists to study languages of the same family.

Another element of the project is the collaboration between the user who is studying a foreign language and one of the students from journalism department to elaborate video emissions on the topic of linguistic biographies of his parents. It will be proposed four areas of communication circumstances: individual, family, social and professional. The user, in collaboration with the fellow-tandemist and with the teacher will develop one representative project- model for each area of communication. This unity of communication will be presented by the user to the parent, and the last one will translate it into the language of the country where he works. For the development of relevant interactive and efficient projects from the point of view of methodology, the teacher will take the role of Counselor.

The user will elaborate a questionnaire about the modality of the parent of learning a new language. The questionnaire will be referred to the opportunities to harness the previous experiences, social and professional circumstances, the role of linguistic interferences, the efficient methods of effective acquirement of communication skills in a new language. Optionally, the user will accept the suggestions offered by the tandemist student, and by the teacher or other specialist.

The answers given by the parent will be performed in an oral session, and the user will have the role of a journalist producing an emission. The tandemist journalist will offer an opportune counseling for the realization of the project. The project contains four emissions about linguistic biographies in various communication areas of each group of tandemists. Will be selected five groups of tandemists (Romanian-French, Romanian-Italian, Romanian-Spanish, Romanian-Portuguese, Romanian-Catalan).

Video materials performed by each group will be grouped for the realization of a common documentary movie about linguistic biographies of those who study Romance languages, containing information on how to facilitate the act of studying a language by the user.

The elaborated documentary movie will have the following compartments:
- Achievement of organizational aspects related to the work in tandem and the conception of developing a project.
- Elaboration of an unit of communication specific to those four communicative areas,
- Completing of the unit developed by the user with the information offered by the parent
- Achievement of an interview concerning the linguistic biography of the parent
- Comments offered by the fellow-tandemists and by the specialist.

The project may include several groups of tandemists, in order to achieve more truthful information. Such a project is feasible and extremely useful.
E-tandem, cultural and linguistic interferences, linguistic biographies, personalized handbook.