South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 8136-8139
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.2107
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
Until recently, the term "literacy" was understood as the ability to read and write, but in modern times this concept has significantly expanded. The term "functional literacy" has appeared, and we believe that this is not accidental: it is related to the need to comply with general education standards. Functional literacy is a kind of level of quality characteristics of members of one society relative to other societies. Functional literacy is an orientation towards solving social problems. A person lives in society and is forced to fit into this society, to be functionally literate.

Functional literacy is necessary for a specialist to solve professional tasks. The following are currently considered by scientists as elements of functional literacy: mathematical literacy, reading literacy, natural science literacy, financial literacy. The ability of a person to act correctly in certain conditions and interact with the surrounding world while solving various tasks is a sign of the formation of an element and functional literacy as a whole.

This article considers reading literacy as an element of functional literacy. We believe that this is the main element of functional literacy. Reading literacy is not so much the ability to read, but the understanding of the text, the ability to extract information from it and use it to solve tasks. Reading and reading literacy serve as a tool for understanding reality. The book remains the main source of knowledge.

The relevance of the topic is based on the fact that reading literacy is the basic element of functional literacy, and the formation of other elements depends on its formation.

The methods of research were theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of research, synthesis of scientific sources, observation, interviewing, and testing.

The material of the article is the terminological apparatus of the essence and formation of reading literacy in scientific and methodological research, signs and stages of the formation of reading literacy as an element of functional literacy, results of interviewing teachers on issues of forming reading literacy, results of testing students.

The theoretical significance of the research described in the article lies in the importance for the modern development of understanding the essence of functional literacy as a whole, and reading literacy in particular, as well as in "updating the understanding" of these concepts "in scientific discourse and defining the general direction of development".

With the introduction of new educational standards, new goals of modern education have been identified: the development of a person who possesses generalized methods of educational activities, who can learn independently. This ability is directly related to reading literacy, and even the concept of "reading competence" has been formed as a potential ability to perceive, understand, and interpret text information. To understand the content of the text as accurately and completely as possible, to grasp all the details and practically comprehend the extracted information is not an easy task. Reading is a multifunctional process.

In the article, reading literacy is considered as the basis for the formation of other elements of functional literacy. Undoubtedly, "the formation and development of the functional literacy of students is one of the priority areas in improving modern general education"
Meaningful reading, functional literacy, reading literacy, reading competence.