1 Innovation Teaching Group in Chemical Engineering and Environment. Department of Chemical Engineering. School of Engineering. Universitat de València (SPAIN)
2 Dafni Kentro Epaggelmatikis Katartisis DAFNI KEK, Patras (GREECE)
3 Paidea SAS, Nápoles (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 2645-2650
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.0743
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
The teaching of technical studies is traditionally supported by the use of two-dimensional views for the schematic representation of complex elements. The geometric pieces are normally represented in their elevation or plan views, and only in specific technical drawing subjects are the three views used. The appearance of 3D-based technologies such as 3D printing is promoting both training and communication through 3D elements, as well as the digital competence of teachers about 3D design. A step towards the future is represented by augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR), which use computer-generated 3D scenes and objects that appear to be real. It is very likely that, in a few years, teachers will use AR to represent elements such as reactors, heat exchangers, treatment plants, rectification towers and other elements of the industry. This will allow much more direct, attractive and significant learning for technical education students.

In this sense, the European Commission has deployed the Digital Education Action Plan that highlights the need to constantly update the digital skills of teachers/tutors/trainers to improve their professional performance and increase the level of student participation. There are two strategic priorities: the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem and the enhancement of digital skills and competences. The need to boost advanced digital skills is evident in national educational programs that aim to develop the digital skills of teachers (digcomps), especially after the post-pandemic social reorganization, but only a few of them use augmented reality. Despite its popularity in marketing, entertainment, and school education, this technology is very rare in secondary and higher education. While AR-games for educational purposes exist, they are not free and cannot be developed further.

The GAD Game project is promoted by the European Commission through the small-scale association's program (2021-1-IT01-KA210-VET-000034522) and has a double objective:
(i) to develop a free and versatile AR application for the teaching of technical studies; and
(ii) accompany the process with a teaching-learning methodological approach of the trainers based on the principles of gamification, to achieve a successful application in the classroom.

GAD Game thus addresses the development of educators' digcomps and the ability to create digital learning environments and educational products suitable to meet new training challenges. In this communication, the objectives, methodology and preliminary results of the project are presented. In particular, the development of a free APP for Android and the creation of a number of interactive lessons based on 3D models in the areas of Engineering, Biology and Health are shown.

The authors acknowledge funding from the European Commission, through the Erasmus+ program, by the GAD Game project: Creation of games in professional augmented reality improvement skills, with reference 2021-1-IT01-KA210-VET-000034522.
Augmented reality, digital skills, gamification, app.