Carlos Drummond de Andrade University Center (BRAZIL)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 4707-4711
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1173
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
There are several standardized assessment instruments that are important and useful in processes developed in formal and non-formal education. This article does not intend to disregard them, but to question how these instruments allow offering answers to students with disabilities and even if the practices and pedagogical strategies are in accordance with the educational needs of these students.
The concept of evaluation is discussed by several authors. However, it is unanimous that evaluation should be a continuous, moral, ethical and participatory process.
The evaluation processes are configured in the production of data and information, ratifying, in a way, the success or failure of the pedagogical proposal. In both situations, the pedagogical team intends to identify possible needs so that decisions on new educational practices and strategies can be sought.
In the context of the inclusive school, students with disabilities, with medical reports or not, duly enrolled in regular education classes, are experiencing a standardization in the evaluation processes in which their abilities and skills remain hidden in a continuous process of erasure and invisibility where the possible learning difficulties are not properly considered.
Over the years, the term “evaluation” has not had the same meaning because there are several concepts related to it associated with different historical moments.For students to understand the benefits of assessment, it must be applied consistently and professionally by faculty and the institution.
From an ethical perspective, the evaluation should enhance the functions that enrich the professional and the institution, such as: dialoguing, understanding, learning, stimulating, guiding, etc. However, functions such as: classifying, discriminating, hierarchizing, competing, controlling, etc. still prevail in the school institution.
Assessment is essential for human development and in the school institution it is an integral part of the teaching and learning process. The practices developed in the school institution often do not elucidate the relationship between teaching and learning. They serve to measure values, which makes the evaluation selective, classifying and, at the same time, excluding.
School evaluation is a systematized process of registering and evaluating the results obtained in relation to established educational goals, which must be fully achieved as far as possible.
When we include the triad, learning, assessment and inclusion, there is hardly a consensus among education professionals due to attitudinal barriers that need to be developed in collaboration with school management, as unfortunately many students are marginalized due to this conduct.
It is expected that, after analyzes and critical reflections on the subject, new practices and evaluative strategies will be considered so that, when necessary, we can replace the instruments and that they are also adapted for students with disabilities in a complementary and supplementary way. Stimulate actions related to the continuing education of teachers so that professionals understand the various factors that interfere in the teaching-learning process, in addition to building a support network with professionals from other areas, such as, for example, psychologists and educational psychologists.
Assessment, inclusion, education, accessibility.