Liverpool John Moores University (UNITED KINGDOM)
About this paper:
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
Children’s consumption of video has changed radically since the 1990s, when it was still seen as novel. In the 2020s, the challenge is to empower teachers to ensure that video can augment each learning episode and help provide meaningful formative assessment (Boyle and Charles, 2013; Atherton, 2018a).
Edpuzzle is a video presentation and formative assessment tool, where teachers and their students can view, crop and add questions to their own videos that they have sourced online or made themselves. This paper uses narrow search parameters to review the recent literature on Edpuzzle and to describe the potential uses of Edpuzzle in the Secondary/High School context. The literature and recommendations found that Edpuzzle may improve student’s self-regulation, which appears to have been particularly useful for flipped learning since the pandemic. Furthermore, some studies into Edpuzzle have found that it can make explicit instruction clearer and more engaging. Many studies are not relevant to the context of Secondary/High School, or Initial Teacher Education (I.T.E). The presentation also evaluates the efficacy of a podcast interview with one of Edpuzzle's managers as a form of valid qualitative data.
My inference from the literature would be that Edpuzzle has a great deal in common with many edtech tools and platforms, in that its potential is as rich or as limited as the overall curriculum planning, pedagogical style, delivery and management (Atherton, 2018a;b;2019). In terms of proposals for further research, there may be a great deal of potential in deploying Edpuzzle as an interactive video feedback tool, either from peers of educators (Carless, 2020). At the same time, there is a danger that the literature may serve to strengthen the position of specific edtech platforms, at the expense of emerging ones (Atherton 2018a) or that the students could become dependent on edtech, to the detriment of traditional literacies (Gardner and Davis, 2013; Atherton 2018a).
[1] Atherton, P. (2018a). 50 ways to use technology enhanced learning in the classroom. 1st ed. Exeter: Learning Matters
[2] Atherton, P (2018b). ‘More than just a quiz. How Kahoot! Can help trainee teachers understand the learning process.’ TEAN Journal 10(2),pp 29-39.
[3] Atherton, P (2019). Bridging the chasm – a study of the realities of edtech use among trainee teachers. TEAN Journal 11(4),pp 80-95.
[4] Boyle, B and Charles, M. (2013). Formative Assessment for Teaching and Learning.
Edition. SAGE Publications Ltd
[5] Carless, D. (2020). From teacher transmission of information to student feedback literacy: Activating the learner role in feedback processes. Active Learning in Higher Education. doi:10.1177/1469787420945845
[6] Gardner, H, 2013. The App Generation: How Today's Youth Navigate Identity, Intimacy, and Imagination in a Digital World. 1st ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Yale Publishing.Keywords:
Edpuzzle, edtech, flipped classroom, technology, teacher education.