University of Patras, Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics (GREECE)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 4897-4903
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1183
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
In the age of Covid 19, eLearning activities have taken place in schools around the world. Teachers had to create learning materials and familiarize themselves with eLearning environments. A more challenging approach is to use Virtual Worlds for learning activities, which may appeal students who are very familiar with 3D virtual games.

In theory, depicting different experiences in 3D worlds is very useful and can be done by presenting teaching objects in terms of images, 2D or 3D models, schematic diagrams or videos. Lessons are presented using virtual avatars and explanations are given interactively, using slides or documents. Developing a script with these features is different from ordinary eLearning scripts.

In our Erasmus+ project "New Approach In Educational Technology" (NET) we created an innovative approach: we developed teaching modules addressed to teachers and available through a standard e-learning platform (Moodle) and as a 3D educational game, using OpenSim platform. Five teaching modules were selected by a group of experts from all participating countries (Slovakia, Italy, Czech Republic, Turkey and Greece). Modules ranged from simple topics such as “Planning the Lessons”, or “Collaborative tools and social media” to challenging topics, such as Interactive Robotics Hardware and Virtual worlds.

Having expertise in educational use of 3D worlds, we designed a 3D world which functioned as a space where all the activities were presented, but also as a hands-on-experience for the trainees with such a world.

It was interesting to identify the difficulty of the participants that developed the courses, especially those who were educators, to develop 3D world scenarios for the courses even if they have already developed them for the e-learning platform.

Three groups of participants used the NET Educational Game during the pilot phase: Teachers, University students that are studying to become teachers and Representatives of educational Institutions. All of them were involved in two courses.

The Greek participants were very familiar with IT environments and most of them selected the Virtual Worlds course. According to their evaluation, almost 80% of them identified the interactivity as the main advantage of the NET courses, while 60% considered as the main disadvantage that activities required learner’s commitment for significant time, a fact that could be perceived as an asset to the 3D game. The results of the pilot use and the use during the dissemination events will be described further.
3D Virtual World, Educational Game.