1 Comillas Pontifical University (SPAIN)
2 Fundación Princesa de Girona (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 6446-6453
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.1690
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
The presented project is a collaboration between 29 Spanish universities' Faculties of Education, including Comillas Pontifical University, and the Fundación Princesa de Girona (FPdGi) through the Generación Docentes program. This initiative focuses on the professional development of preservice teachers and offers them the opportunity to engage in four-month curricular practices in rural schools. Since 2020, 30 student teachers annually have participated in this program. Notably, this initiative is particularly relevant given that 84% of the Spanish territory is occupied by rural municipalities, where only 9.4% of the total population of Spain is registered.

Furthermore, the Generación Docentes program equips preservice teachers with training to acquire tools and skills necessary to adapt to society. It also provides them with the chance to be part of the Edu Lab Challenge, a space for socio-educational entrepreneurship. Here, they collaborate with mentors and other young teachers to develop educational innovation projects. Over the course of four years, 120 preservice teachers have completed their educational practices in 29 rural centers located in areas known as "Empty Spain." These Service-Learning experiences have reached over 2,500 children.

This project aligns with the topic Global Issues in Education due to the fact that the FPdGi has detected a need at national level of the Spanish territory with respect to rural schools in “Empty Spain”. In this regard, the service-learning methodology which is the framework of the project allows the teacher students from urban areas to create an engagement with the rural community.

This partnership makes it possible to address the needs identified and to work for society, with society and in society:
- For society: The universities, FPdGi, and preservice teachers address the pressing issue of rural depopulation, which is of increasing concern nationally.
- With society: Collaboration and commitment from all educational stakeholders are vital. University agents, including teachers, tutors, curricular practice supervisors, and Final Degree Project directors, facilitate preservice teachers' combination of university studies with the experience in rural areas. This engagement extends to the local inhabitants (children, families, teachers, mayors, etc.), encouraging students to gain insights into different realities and reflect on the societal role of their professional practice.
-In society: Preservice teachers spend four months away from their primarily urban origins, immersing themselves in rural communities. They learn about, understand, and meet the genuine educational needs of rural schools. Additionally, they develop their Final Degree Projects in multi-grade classrooms (where children of different ages and educational needs are found), applying the knowledge and skills gained during their academic training and project involvement.

In conclusion, when universities embrace new experiences that expose their students to different and relatively distant realities like rural education, everyone benefits. The learning process is enriching for all involved stakeholders.
Service-Learning, Rural Depopulation, Teacher Education, Community Engagement, University Networks.