1 Odessa National Medical University (UKRAINE)
2 Maternity Hospital № 5 (UKRAINE)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 2805-2808
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.0840
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
Nowadays, psychological and simulation training is one of the most advanced technologies to develop and improve existing skills. More and more countries are moving into the training and examining of its medical specialists on a mandatory basis using stated technologies. The important part of those trainings is the non-technical skills development, which are the main tools in establishing contact and trust between physician and patient.

To establish the new complex training efficiency for the medical residents’ communicative competence development.
Materials and methods. 250 various specialties’ medical residents of Odessa National Medical University underwent our new complex of psychological and simulation training named “Successful communication. Mastery of professional interaction” specially designed for their communicative competence development. It was aimed on expanding the possibilities of establishing contact in various communication situations, understanding other people, myself and relationships between people skills elaboration, mastering the skills of effective listening, activating processes of self-knowledge and self-actualization and expanding the range of creative abilities. We used developed by us several questionnaires and check-lists with 10-points score system. Such categories as subjective assessment of communicative competence prior to the passing of simulation training and after, as well as relevance, practicality and informativeness were evaluated.

The objective communicative competence responses analysis before and after the complex training showed that medical residents before sessions assessed the personal communicative competence of 15 respondents (6%) – as 5 points, 70 of the students (28%) - as 6 points, in 90 (36%) – as 7 points, 35 (14%) – as 8 points and 40 residents (16%) rated it as 9 points. After the sessions the positive dynamics of changes were fixed, the subjective level of communicative competence shifted significantly on one point (p<0,001). The relevance, practicality and informativeness were highly rated by all the residents with the average score of 8.90 points, 8.80 points and 8,24 points respectively.

There is a positive trend between our complex training conducting and medical residents’ communicative competence effective development. For the more complete disclosure of the future physician professional formation communicative component essence is necessary to continue the study of his communicative competence structural components, the connections and factors that influence its formation and development, deepening the phenomenological aspect of the problem.
Training, psychology, innovation, evaluation and assessment, communication, communicative competence, non-technical skills, simulation.