University of Zaragoza (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 9751-9760
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.2537
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
In recent years, educators and researchers have suggested that future higher education students' academic learning will be characterized by a hybrid combination of teaching strategies, digital technology tools, as well as face-to-face and online classes (known as blended instruction). In this context, the teacher will be able to use different interactive ICT tools and educational strategies in order to provide students with examples and various real academic problems, stimulate student participation in class, and promote seminars or exhibitions related to the contents presented, etc. The goal is to achieve more interactive and motivating learning.
One way to improve the learning process is to shift the focus of the teaching process from the teacher to the student. This methodology places the student at the center of the learning process and gives him a more active and autonomous role in his own education, it is what is known as "student-centered learning". In this way, the development of critical skills is encouraged. Student-centered learning promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. Students learn to question, investigate, and evaluate information more deeply. In short, it is an effective way to empower students and develop essential skills for personal and professional growth.
Thus, by allowing students to choose and direct their own learning, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in subject content. This can lead to a deeper and more lasting interest over time. Numerous authors have indicated that high student motivation contributes to the development of a more adequate, active, and satisfactory learning process. In general, from the point of view of the students, the most valuable motivation is the one that is related to the academic tasks themselves. For this reason, it is necessary to involve students in the teaching-learning process.
This paper describes a teaching experience based on the blended learning method. In this way, its implementation in the higher education classroom is analyzed, described, and studied. At the same time, different educational techniques and ICT technologies that can be combined within this pedagogical approach have also been presented. Finally, the statistical results obtained in the opinion survey of the students related to the last academic years are presented and discussed. The purpose has been, on the one hand, to know the goodness of the method used and, on the other hand, to analyze the level of satisfaction of the students with this educational methodology. The impact of the different ICT resources used inside and outside the classroom has also been observed. Thus, its influence on higher education is described.
From the teachers' point of view, the experience has been satisfactory. The students have acquired the same content and knowledge as with traditional learning based on the master class. But through a more active pedagogical approach. This educational model provides much more active and detailed feedback, both to the teacher and to the students. Now students can constantly observe their progress (continuous feedback) and understand where they need to improve. This makes it easier to adjust your study approach and ask questions when doubts arise. In short, the blended learning method can provide more effective student performance than face-to-face learning.
Learning Space Design, Blended Learning, Flipped Teaching, Peer-Instruction, Just-in-Time Teaching, Game-based Learning, Learning Analytics.