University of Zaragoza (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 8628-8640
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.2285
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
In this last decade, the learning model in the university classroom has evolved from the master class to other much more interactive methodologies such as Flipped Teaching, peer instruction, Game-based Learning, online learning, etc. For decades, teachers and researchers have suggested that a combination of digital and traditional strategies will characterize the learning of the future. According to academic papers, blended instruction is more effective than face-to-face or online classes.
So, what is Blended-Learning? Hybrid Learning consists of combining two or more learning methodologies at the same time. This implies that there may be physical or virtual learning activities, formal or informal, scheduled or unscheduled, etc. Although this learning model is not new. This hybrid teaching model can offer better results, commitment, and learning experiences for students since it integrates some advantages of active learning strategies (multimedia resources, ICT tools, interactive simulations...) with some aspects of the more traditional method (face-to-face interaction). In addition, in the university classroom, combined teaching is much more flexible and dynamic, in this way it is possible to know and satisfy the needs of the students.
But how to use Blended-Learning in your classroom? Hybrid learning provides the instructor with the ability to choose from a wide selection of learning activities. In this way, it is possible to use different ICT tools in order to improve learning outcomes. Another advantage is that it allows us to free up class time. Thus, videos, readings, or multimedia documents can be consumed in the students' free time. This allows us to free up time for other face-to-face academic activities, such as debates, case studies, problem-solving, and many other interactive activities. The use of these educational resources allows us to increase the student's motivation factor while improving their skills and competencies.
In this paper, different ICT tools are described that facilitate the recording and editing of videos (Open-Broadcaster Software, KdenLive, Openshot Video Editor, ActivePresenter, Screencast-o-Matic), as well as multimedia resources that allow us to incorporate questions in the videos (EdPuzzle, VideoAnt...) to improve the didactic sessions. All these resources have great potential for education. Thus, its influence on higher education is described, along with the advantages and disadvantages applied to Blended-Learning. The goal is to achieve more interactive and motivating learning. However, these technological tools and applications must always be at the service of educational objectives. ICT tools support the adopted methodology, and it cannot be otherwise. There is an increasing number of resources, educational tools, and electronic devices for higher education. However, its use must be correct for it to be useful in the training of students.
Finally, several examples are described as well as the results obtained during their implementation. From the teachers' point of view, the experience has been satisfactory. It is evident that these new learning approaches are much more interactive and require the support of multiple digital resources as well as ICT tools and mobile applications. To know the opinion of the educational resources used, different assessment surveys have been carried out. The statistical results obtained show the influence of these interactive educational videos on student learning.
Learning Space Design, Blended Learning, Learning Analytics, Advanced Classroom Applications & Technologies, Interactive Educational Videos, Flipped-Teaching.