University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UNITED STATES)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 314-319
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0124
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
There are good reasons to applaud the past century's astonishing technical progress and intellectual brilliance of those whose work has led to significant revolutions in how we perceive education and what we learned about our own learning.

This study reflects on the latest debate in modern education which is about creating meaningful artistic experiences through online technology. Many voices are going beyond this point and ask the question of blending technology as an essential tool in education with a motivating individual experience and the most engaging social presence (Thomas, 2013). Thus, education is not valued based on exclusive universal criteria of content delivery only.

Teaching technology has been rapidly evolving within the context of online economy and pandemic social strains, which changed the way we value education in general. The discussion expanded once technology became a decisive factor in the teaching milieu, rendering exquisite online teaching products more accessible, genre innovative, educational, or commercial. Many are the functions of high tech in education, among which high tech allowed learning to be recontextualized, recorded, or digitized. This opens the way to reproduce and repurpose educational works, to reorganize and reconfigure them in different context, independent of their original authors’ intentions.

Education and technology are also symbolic of the way society and values evolve connecting learning to economic modernism on a capitalist market with a continuously fluctuant financial value. The insertion of new AI generators technologies in schools only speeded up this process and stressed the lack of a fixed system of learners’ value reference. Learning value is often a result of many of these factors such as the technology involved in its delivery, the rarity of the student outcomes, the uniqueness of learning experience, as well as the desire for this experience.

The latest research on the outcome of AI text to text and text to image generators, of which the most popular is ChatGPT, what seems to pass as normal in our society of image and technology is neither normal nor natural for the way our brain works when we learn new things. Moreover, this new generation of technology tends to dictate the rules for what seems to be our modern society’s criteria for normality. In many ways, we tend to forget easily, this is profoundly abnormal as far as professional ethics and it can be deeply harmful to the intellectual and cognitive capacity of our young learners.
Education, art, technology, social media, corporation.