1 Link Campus University (ITALY)
2 University of São Paulo (BRAZIL)
3 University of Nicosia (CYPRUS)
4 University of Macedonia (GREECE)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 8168-8176
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1930
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
Higher education institutions (HEIs) play a pivotal role in steering society towards carbon neutrality and sustainability. The inaugural survey on greening in European higher education highlights the significance of environmental sustainability at the core of HEIs. However, the survey also reveals a diverse landscape where institutions vary significantly in their drivers and strategies towards sustainability. A notable gap exists in many HEIs: a comprehensive and integrated policy that addresses all facets of sustainability, including education, research, campus operations, cultural transformation, student involvement, community engagement, strategic planning, and sustainability assessment.

The transition to greener HEIs is marked by its socio-technical complexity, involving multifaceted, interconnected elements that exhibit nonlinear, history-dependent dynamics, are self-organizing, and often resist change. In this context, systemic approaches emerge as crucial for HEIs, enabling them to meet evolving sustainability needs through comprehensive, institution-wide strategies. These approaches allow for a deep analysis of both external and internal factors and the necessary shifts within institutions to address these influences.

Adopting whole-system and whole-institution perspectives facilitates tackling complex challenges by acknowledging the interplay and dependencies among various components. This holistic view is essential for developing effective, sustainable policies and strategies.

This research aims to delineate the current landscape of institutional sustainability, focusing on integrating whole-system and whole-institution approaches within HEIs. Through a literature review, the study evaluates existing models and tools for their potential to enhance sustainability practices across higher education. It emphasizes effective strategies and the integration of Systems Thinking for evaluating institutional dynamics, mainly through the lens of educational leadership and governance, to embed sustainability across all operational levels and practices.

The findings from the literature review inform a series of recommendations for employing effective self-assessment models and tools. The study explores how systemic approaches can be augmented to encompass various dimensions of HEIs, such as education, research, outreach, operational eco-efficiency, and governance. It advocates for the inclusion of both quantitative and qualitative indicators to foster reflection and transformative change beyond mere accountability.

Sustainability necessitates a holistic and systemic transition. HEIs, as complex entities with interlinked components, must recognize that modifications in one area can propagate through the entire organization and beyond into society. By adopting a systemic view and prioritizing curriculum, governance, and societal impact, HEIs can more effectively face the challenges of the green transition and drive towards a more sustainable future.
Higher Education Institutions, Systems Thinking, Whole Institution, Sustainability.