1 System Dynamics Italian Chapter (SYDIC) (ITALY)
2 Women and Youth Entrepreneurship Center (K-GEM) (TURKEY)
3 Università Telematica Pegaso (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 6830-6834
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.1798
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
The webinar paper “Mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic” developed by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies (Ciucci, M., 2020) highlights how the age group of individuals aged 18-28 is particularly vulnerable to developing poor mental health due to higher employment and income insecurity. Unfortunately, this has manifested in a higher-than-average percentage of young adults (ages 18-24) reporting symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorder (56%) during the pandemic. Compared to all adults, young adults are also more likely to report substance use (25% vs. 13%) and suicidal thoughts (26% vs. 11%). It is worth noting that prior to the pandemic, young adults were already at a heightened risk of poor mental health and substance use disorder, with many going untreated. As adolescents grow and develop, they encounter a myriad of changes that are typical for their age. While these changes can present new challenges, they are significant for personal growth and development. Social relationships play a crucial role in our psychological adjustment and overall well-being throughout our lives. Acquiring social competence involves developing cognitive, behavioral, and emotional skills to maintain successful relationships with others in any context. This includes the ability to look for solutions, negotiate effectively, and consider different perspectives to understand another's emotions (García Sáiz 2011).

EIQ, or Emotional Intelligence Quotient, refers to an individual's ability to recognize and understand emotions - both their own and those of others. This includes the ability to distinguish between different feelings and to label them accurately. With this knowledge, individuals can use emotional information to guide their thinking and behavior, as well as manage and adjust their emotions to adapt to their environment or achieve their goals. Emotional intelligence (EI) has become a crucial part of the school curriculum in many European countries through the implementation of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) frameworks. These frameworks aim to enhance self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making among students.

The present paper highlights how complimenting Emotional Intelligence with a Systems Thinking approach, as outlined by experts such as Senge and Goleman (Daniel Goleman, Peter M. Senge, 2014. The Triple Focus: A New Approach to Education.), can enhance the quality of EI education programs aimed at young adults, by providing a method of visualizing and solving common issues that is both effective and coherent with the main pillars of EI.

In this context, Humanity is a project in education, training, and youth development, dedicated to equipping educators, youth workers, and support staff with the necessary tools to empower young people aged 15-24. The aim is to promote emotional intelligence as a valuable tool for positive youth development, which is essential for successful adaptation, social integration, and overall wellbeing The Humanity project aims to deliver courses that will help educators gain an understanding on how to develop the key components of Emotional Intelligence in young adults, namely Self-Awareness, Social Awareness, Self-Management, Social Management and Systems Thinking, to properly traverse their key formative years in a stable and health manner.
Emotional Intelligence, Systems Thinking, Mental health, Education, Teacher training.