Instituto Politécnico Nacional (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 5421-5427
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1351
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The world is becoming increasingly digital, and technologies are rapidly changing the way we live, work, learn, and communicate. Therefore, it is essential that students develop digital skills so that they can be competitive in the job market and succeed in their personal lives. With the development of our digital magazine "Investiga & Aprende", which aims to create an image according to the interests of students and show the advantages of a Scientific Dissemination Magazine in order to facilitate the teaching of topics that could be complex. The magazine includes various scientific investigations published at the National Polytechnic Institute, which seeks an approach to the culture of research, acquiring significant learning through the use of emerging technology such as animations, augmented reality, interactive augmented reality and 360 videos. For the creation of the magazine, different specialized programs were used to create graphics, 3D models, videos, etc., looking for the students to always be interested and motivated with the magazine, this was achieved thanks to interactivity, adding tutorials to download the apps, and could visualize augmented reality and interactive augmented reality, other resources were animations, taking care of the design of the magazine to make it attractive. The magazine has several virtues such as saving paper, distribution is easier and can be disseminated through Qr code, WhatsApp, Facebook, the pandemic generated the need to use dynamic, immersive material that will generate new experiences for students, supported by emerging technology and your mobile devices. Technologies allow access to a wide range of resources, such as educational videos, interactive magazines, virtual platforms, virtual reality, augmented reality, and holography, allowing students to experience simulated situations within an educational setting, improving comprehension and retention, provoking more engaging and exciting experiences for students resulting in meaningful learning. The sample group was 30 high school students to whom several surveys were carried out, one of them is to know their opinions and to know if the use of material really helps a better understanding of complex issues, the data showed that the sample group had a Good experience with the virtual environments magazine and I generate significant learning since different learning styles are used. Thanks to the implementation of various sensory stimuli, the versatility and simplicity of the use of various technologies as didactic material in support of pedagogical processes, it fulfills as an efficient tool to promote learning and research, representing a promising tomorrow for students and future generations. , this type of tools (RA, RAI, animations and videos) opens up an infinite number of possibilities for progress, not only in the educational aspect, but in various areas that benefit society and culture.
Emerging technology, education, scientific dissemination, magazine, digital.