Universitat de València (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Page: 1787 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0536
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
Active methodologies were created in order to solve the necessity of improve the knowledge of the students in a dynamic approach. The arrival of agile methodologies in the professional environments opens new possibilities due to the easy access to business techniques, such as Scrumban, as an option to be adopted inside the classroom and this fact transforms positively students learning.

As an agile learning, the main principles of Scrumban include:
- Visualization: Students use virtual boards to view information and progress.
- Work limits: Work in progress in the classroom is limited to a certain number of tasks.
- Collaboration: Emphasis on teamwork for tackling and prioritizing tasks.
- Continuous improvement: Students use it to identify areas of improvement.
- Iteration: Scrumban uses short and agile iterations, allowing for frequent delivery and feedback cycles.
- Flexibility: Students can adapt their workflows to meet their specific needs.
- Focus on value: Prioritizing tasks and activities maximizes value to the learning.

This new learning technology are applying in the Educational Innovation Project UV-SFPIE_PIEC-2734213 that is being carried out during the course 2023/2024 at marketing subjects of the University of Valencia. Specifically, the grant recognises the efforts of teachers, strengthening the actions carried out by consolidated innovation groups.

In particular, the action is carried out by the consolidated teaching innovation group MarkAct. This is a team of professors belonging to the Marketing and Market Research area of the University of Valencia committed to educational improvement. Its mission is the implementation and development of innovative active methodologies for teaching-learning in Marketing, applied to real business scenarios and placing the students at the centre. Its vision is to extend it to other areas of knowledge, such as Education and Business.

The educational innovation project enables improvements in the teaching environment that incorporate useful results, such as the promotion of employability and the implementation of the culture of entrepreneurship in teaching practice. Moreover, to update innovative materials with the use of ICT as teaching resources.

The impact of the project is expected to directly affect about 400 students of the Faculty of Economics and 6 professors from the Department of Marketing and Market Research.
Scrumban, ICT, marketing, Educational Innovation Project.