1 Universidad de Córdoba, Departamento de Enfermería (SPAIN)
2 Universidad de Córdoba, Departamento de Física Aplicada (SPAIN)
3 Universidad de Córdoba, Departamento de Química Física y Termodinámica Aplicada (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2017 Proceedings
Publication year: 2017
Pages: 2337-2342
ISBN: 978-84-697-6957-7
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2017.0674
Conference name: 10th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 16-18 November, 2017
Location: Seville, Spain
In nowadays society, the increasing use of the social networks (SNSs), such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or WhatsApp, has turn into an undeniable reality. These networks have been transformed in the most common way of sociocultural interaction that the youngest poses. The audio-visual media, such as videos and photos, have a higher impact than text messenger in the users which implies that these media are more use as propagation media of ideas in the social networks. The youngest are the users more addicted, accessing to the SNSs diary and even a great number of them with higher frequency . Due to this addiction to the use of SNSs, the social networks have a great influence in them modifying in numerous occasions their habits and their life’s style.

Based on this influence, numerous authors have proposed new methods where are included the SNSs in the educative standing out the importance that may have acquired in the education due to their fluency capacity in the communication between the professors and students. The SNSs allow the communication with experts in specific subjects or students from others centres, increasing the education community feeling, the students are able to investigate inside them and could find necessary resources in order to complete the diary tasks in a self-didactic and efficient way. In addition, these networks might incorporate multimedia tools such as videos, web links, tutorials and animation, which allow creating private group in order to impart each class or each subject. As previous said these networks facilitate that the students’ doubts are resolved by them and the professors are given the opportunity of knowing the students’ concerns and learnt how to solve possible situations in case a problem or necessity is originated.

The main purpose of this research paper has been the development of two university groups corresponding to Master's degree courses (University of Cordoba) in Facebook, BiomasaGen (, Transversal Master Uco TMUNI ( complementary to the virtual platforms of two courses and it can be accessed directly, although, it can be used automatically and ubiquitously.

Also, it has been studied the verification and validation, that is the evaluation which has focused on the experts point of view, CIPP method: Context, Input, Process and Product, the users and students, including the satisfaction’s degree and the effectiveness of the tools in the educative process.

The satisfaction’s degree analyses after using it and the software’s and the red’s, which contains it, influence in the teaching-learning process has been carried out with the Students from the Master Degree of the University of Cordoba.
Mobile Learning technology, Social Networks, Master education innovation, CIPP validation method.