1 Universidade Lusófona (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 6040-6047
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1488
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
Following the pedagogical model previously developed during the global COVID 19 lockdown for the Graphic Diary MOOC Course, it was decided to further develop the practice applied in the international partnership between two educational institutions (Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon-Portugal, and Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo – Brazil), approaching the topic of distance learning in the area of Face Drawing. In this way, based on the knowledge acquired in past editions in the subject of Graphic Diary drawing, new decisions were taken regarding the methodologies and structure for the Face Drawing course, seeking to further systematize the relationship between the contents offered and the understanding of academic success, namely in the evidence of the acquisition of competences by the students. The sharing of this pedagogical practice intends to demonstrate that there are proven benefits of its integration in basic programs of university courses, in this case in the area of art, architecture, and design, but that it can be replicated in other scientific areas as well. The research process intrinsic to this international experience is multidisciplinary in terms of mastering digital teaching procedures, the scientific area of the course itself, the search for new pedagogical practices, etc. The demanding effort in the preparation of the digital pedagogical tools, as well as the preparation of written, filmed, and image content, contribute to the success of this initiative. The proposed study plan is made available on the open edX digital platform for a class of students, guided in person by the professors themselves, and at a distance by the professors of the international partnership in Lisbon. One of the innovations of this course is the identification of a model that allows monitoring the student's skills, from the first day of the course until its conclusion, using the analysis of the collected elements. As the teaching platform is programmed to experiment-doing, the submission of the different exercises proposed to the students feeds a large repository of material available for doctoral researchers to analyze. The dissemination of this pedagogical practice will continue the research project that aims to bring together international academic communities, encouraging students in face-to-face and remote teaching in different areas and study cycles. The Face Drawing Course represents the continuity of research on pedagogical practices of cultural and international incentives, increasing the benefits and alleviating the difficulties of remote teaching for very manual and practical courses. The exercises proposed during the training were designed taking into account some constraints, namely regarding the resources necessary for the execution of the drawings, which in this case are freely available during the course, such as images, photographs, and models, and which also can be proposed by the student. Integration, interdisciplinarity, rigor, free access to teaching, internationalization, and the encouragement of research are part of the development of this pedagogical mission.
Face drawing, design, international cooperation, MOOC, open edX.