1 Uganda Martyrs University (UGANDA)
2 Kisubi Brothers University College of Uganda Martyrs University (UGANDA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2013
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Computer programming is difficult, most students find it challenging to grasp and understand the skills involved instantly. It is an uphill task for students to understand the translation of natural language to machine language. Slow learners grasp slowly the syntax and semantics used in writing program code which may not match the traditional pedagogy of lecture used in teaching computer programming.
The 21st century is increasingly demanding the use of computers/ICT as means of surviving and competing favorably. Organizations/individuals ignoring this will be disadvantaged and will lag behind. On the other hand programming plays a vital role in the production of computer programs/software. Without these programs, computers are rendered useless and non-intelligent. Observably there is direct link between programming and the future advancement of computers. Therefore, any attempt to expedite the learning of programming is worthwhile.
Several approaches have been proposed to ease the teaching/learning of programming. The reviewed approaches include: use of games; adapting to programming practices that relate to learner professional lines; use of problem based learning; use of graphical animation and use of code templates. It is asserted that approaches such as these aim at motivating and improving the quality of the existing program courses and making the concepts clearer. As it is elaborated in later sections; these approaches have strengths and weaknesses. This calls for continuous improvement on the existing approaches.
In this paper, we are proposing a pedagogical model referred to as “Fast Learner Help Novice (FLHN)” as an approach in teaching computer programming. FLHN model is derived from a model called CABLE (Cognitive apprenticeship-based learning environment). This approach inherits some concepts from the reviewed related studies. More importantly our approach is closely related views of Tony (2001). CABLE model treats learners as apprentice. CABLE methods may face challenges when the class is large. FLHN involves the use of fast learners to help the novice during the learning process especially during hands-on. It is believed that peer learning is more effective to some learners than direct from teacher to learners. Additionally, as explained in the methodology section FLHN caters for the differences in students’ learning abilities. The goal is to maximize the potentials of each these categories of students accordingly.
This approach was experimented on twenty (20) postgraduate students in the learning of java programming at Uganda Martyrs’ University. The students were pursuing Masters Degree in Information System. Findings are revealing positive results and the are key indicators include: (1) Reduced absenteeism; (2) improved student grade; (3) more students were willing to stay up to the end of lecture; (3) some students would stay behind for extra assistance after lecture has ended; (4) student answers for theory test are rich with reduced cramming; (5) and more students are willing to try out challenging tasks meant to be done at free will. Future work will focus on the applicability of this method to bigger class. Future work can also investigate the relevance of this approach to the teaching of other programming languages.Keywords:
Computer programming, pedagogy, FLHN.