Academy of Economic Studies (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The SARS COV 2 pandemic has created effects over the wellbeing of students. With Universities shutting down, the interpersonal type of relationship has been changed and it led to the form of a specific behavioral model at a personal level and in the University field. This research is setting its objective to analyze the way in which the pandemic has affected the wellbeing of students, and which are the behavioral purchase patterns in the online environment. For this to be concluded, there have been created a set of specific objectives: identification of effects produced by restriction measures, during Covid-19, over student’s wellbeing (OS1); measuring the influence grade of the online environment over the young consumer behavior (OS2); identifying the purchase patterns among students (OS3); The metric of the analysis is represented by the group of youngsters of age 21-23 years old, all students of an Economic Faculty. Following these objectives, a set of hypotheses have been formulated: it is to be assumed that closing Universities has led to significant changes of students wellbeing (H1); with restrictive measures were implemented for longer periods of time, the overall wellbeing of students declined and their purchase behavior also declined (H2). There have been considered the following variables of the research: dependent variables: purchase behavior, students wellbeing, independent variable: obligations of shutting down Universities. The research is a quantitively type and has concentrated over a structured survey. The sample of the research is applied to a group of 150 respondents, sorted unequal using the snowball method, depending on their gender and the environment they are coming from. The research has been applied in two stages: during the implementation of the restrictive measures, when Universities had organized their courses in the online environment and after the measures were relaxed but maintaining online teaching. Analyzing and interpreting the results present negative perceptions over the wellbeing: students have had negative emotions, like loneliness, anxiety, irritability from lacking face-to-face communication and missing the interpersonal connections. A purchase profile has of the shopper who spends time on commercial websites has been created. The purchased products are fashion, technical, sport gear. Purchasing does not reflect a material need, but the desire of testing specific products which were promised by specific online commercials. It is to be observed that the wellbeing of children has been negatively affected with over 60%, in two out of seven examined moments of life.Keywords:
Purchase behavior, wellbeing, pandemic, online environment, University.