About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 4932-4937
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.1281
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
Instituto Crescer Movimento Cidadania e Juventude is a non-governmental organization, founded in 2003 in the city of Itajaí, Santa Catarina, Brazil, an institution that attend young people between 14 and 18 years of age in condition of social vulnerability. In 2016, Instituto Crescer became part of La Red Internacional de Escuelas Creativas (RIEC) and Asociación de Escuelas Creativas (ADEC) based at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Through this partnership with RIEC/ADEC, and the RIEC ECOFOR Nucleus, based on the epistemological and methodological foundations that guide the RIEC, containing theory and practice, they are inseparable from the educational process. The concepts for an eco-training education that are intertwined in complexity, trans disciplinarity and creativity were studied, understood, and taken for themselves as a possibility to promote what contemplates an education based on life and for life. The general objective of this research is to analyse the implications of the partnership between Instituto Crescer and the Red International de Escoelas Creativas in the eco-training education of young people in condition of social vulnerability. The theoretical framework is based on Morin (2000, 2011); Moraes (2018); Pineau; Galvani (2012); Nicolescu (1999, 2000); Nóvoa (1997, 2009); Petraglia (2013, 2008); Pukall (2017); Pujol (2008); Torre (2012, 2018); Zwierewicz, Silva, Simão (2019).The study is methodologically categorised by a documental research, when the nature of the objectives stands out as descriptive in relation to the nature of the investigated problem, it is characterized as qualitative.

To achieve the general objective, the following specific objectives were established;
a) describe the theoretical and methodological principles that guide the RIEC/ADEC;
b) characterize Instituto Crescer before the partnership based on parameters related to the pedagogical and administrative structure;
c) present the constitutive elements of the partnership between Instituto Crescer and RIEC;
d) identify the process of creative development of Instituto Crescer from VADECRIE;
e) present an Action Plan as an Educational Product in the search for creative and innovative solutions for crisis scenarios in order to strengthen partnerships that can contribute to the training of young people.

The documents were selected according to the research objectives and submitted to content analysis (AMADO, 2017) based on categories of analysis of complexity, transdisciplinary, eco-training, and creativity. As an educational product, an Action Plan for Creative Institutions was developed in the search for creative and innovative solutions to crisis scenarios in order to strengthen partnerships, bringing implications for the training of young people. It is concluded that the partnership between CRESCER and RIEC has brought great changes so that young people in condition of social vulnerability become protagonists, empowered to make conscious and healthy choices in favour of sustainable development-SDGs. The results have implications for what is needed to make teaching rebound. It can also be stated that this research presents scientific contributions, so that new research is developed on this topic. Pedagogical: so that we continue to invest in a transformative education. Social: so that more young people can have the opportunity to live meaningful experiences as a result of a humanized education and a culture of peace.
Creative Schools, NGO, Continuing Ecotraining Program, Young people, Social vulnerability.