University West (SWEDEN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 6490-6498
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.1648
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
In 2002 University West was commissioned by the government to develop forms for work integrated learning (WIL) as part of the work with pedagogical renewal of higher education. As a result of this assignment, WIL is now a deeply rooted philosophy and cornerstone of the university but also the main principle for pedagogical approach. We believe that knowledge, both theoretical and practical, is acquired everywhere and not only in institutions of higher learning. In other words, we are striving to connect university studies with everyday work life and the surrounding society.

To achieve a space that enables and promotes WIL, an array of methods and approaches are utilized by the teachers and university staff. These activities could be defined as work integrated education (WIE) and hence an important part of our assignment.

The concept of artist in residence is formed in the early 20th century when benefactors started to offer artists a guest studio as patronage. The basic idea consists of an artist put to work in a context and people being exposed to the very same artist but for them in a familiar context. Today there are many active programs, from local initiatives to worldwide that enables artists to participate in residencies. A common version is that an artist is invited to a residency at a school or university to enhance a learning situation and this is all financed by a program. The aim and outcomes of the residency, the agreed transactions and the involved stakeholders could be slightly different. The focus of this paper will be on a residency in a learning situation, typically a classroom. There are three stakeholders involved and identifies as an artist, a teacher, and students.

The purpose of this paper is to describe, understand and conceptualize artist in residence and possible benefits and/or potential drawbacks for all the stakeholders. Since the concept brings an artist from an everyday work to enrich a society and in particular a university it also raises questions about work integrated learning.

The method used is to collocate and analyse studies and research from the perspectives of the identified stakeholders.

We conclude that the concept of artist in residence is an activity that promotes work integrated learning and could be defined as work integrated education. There are very different forces and perspectives among the stakeholders that require attention and need to be well-coordinated and prepared to create a space that promotes WIL.
WIL, Work Integrated Learning, WIE, Work Integrated Education, artist in residence, art residency.