Universidad de la República, Facultad de Agronomía (URUGUAY)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Page: 4174 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1013
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
The present work is centered on Critical Thinking (CT) and Collaborative Learning (CL) applied in a Basic Physics Course for Agronomic Engineer. The aim of this study is to exemplify the design and application of a Physics Dynamic Lesson (PDL) based on CL and CT. The dynamic unit belongs to a first year Basic Physics Course and it is organized in seven units. The first one is centered on mathematical review and physical measurements, units and dimensional analysis. The following four units are about classical mechanics and the last one is a variable unit (teachers can choose between thermodynamics and fluid mechanics). Unit two is the lesson under study: Dynamics. After that the units are as follows: kinematics, rigid body, Energy and conservative laws, hydrostatic and hydrodynamics. PDL is developed in two weeks with a total of four synchronic classes of two hours each one. Students also have some asynchronous resources in Moodle, and they are supposed to study them during the two weeks dedicated to the lesson. Asynchronous activities are designed to take approximately the same time as synchronic classes do. Moodle structure gives the students all the information needed to face the unit: timetable, practical guide, readings, self-assessment tests and forums. Synchronous and asynchronous activities are designed to progressively promote higher order thinking skills. In classes we firstly review and synthesize key concepts and then we apply them in some concrete exercises. After that, we move on to more complex problems. We reflect about possible solutions and then we analyze them in a rational way. At this point it is important to reinforce the idea that we are limited by our physical models. Sometimes, students want to solve problems in all their complexity. An important part of a teacher's role is to explain to them the importance, and also the limitations, of a basic physics model. To finish the unit lesson students must prepare a group report about a concrete situation available in Moodle and partially worked during classes. There we work on communication skills. Here we present the detailed design of the dynamic lesson. A qualitative analysis about final reports is done. We classify the different skills that students expose on their manuscripts, and we analyze the frequency of their appearance. Main categories detected are: Problem Identification (variable classifications, hypothesis), formalization (mathematical lenguaje, schemes), possible solutions, decisions and justify decision. We also present students individual results with their grupal performance in the dynamic unit.
Critical thinking, cooperative learning, Physics Dynamics, Qualitative analysis, classify skills.