Universitat Politècnica de València (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 10th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 16-18 November, 2017
Location: Seville, Spain
Coordination between subjects of the same degree is primordial and after the emergence of the European Higher Education Area, many efforts have been made to achieve this. The benefits of this coordination are many for the students, among them avoiding content overlappings or mismatches in terms of scheduling tasks and evaluation acts.
But through the teaching coordination it can also be improved the multidisciplinary learning of the student. This coordination allows us to contemplate the interrelation between the different subjects and how the knowledge provided by each of them can be simultaneously used to solve a problem. It is a much closer scenario to how the professional activity develops.
A coordination proposal is introduced here for four subjects that compose an area block within the curriculum of a master in the design field. It begins by explaining the first phase of the project that has already been carried out and from which a serie of conclusions are drawn. This first phase was aimed at connecting the two subjects with the highest number of credits and was done through project-based learning, proposing a common project to both subjects and also sharing other activities such as lectures, seminars and oral presentations. The second phase, still to be implemented, intends to incorporate the other two remaining subjects. It is presented the temporal planning, objectives, strategies and necessary resources to carry out this second phase, as well as how it will relate to the first phase.
Once both phases are implemented, it is intended to coordinate the four subjects so that the students work the knowledge and skills acquired in all of them in an interrelated way and achieve the necessary skills to elaborate and solve a complex project in the field of design.Keywords:
Teaching coordination, post-grade education, multidisciplinary learning, problem-based learning.