Università degli Studi di Salerno (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 3877-3884
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.0941
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
Didactic innovation constitutes and determines the cultural and epistemological passage, capable of influencing teaching models. The research and experimentation of new educational practices in school activities, through active and laboratory methodologies, allow students to develop life skills. To promote interdisciplinary knowledge, teachers must stimulate motivation, involvement and satisfaction. This means getting used to critical thinking, learning to learn, confronting different cultures for a diversified knowledge. As recommended by the OECD, students from being consumers must transform themselves into critical consumers and producers of digital content and architectures.

In this cultural context, has been developed the interdisciplinary didactic laboratory proposed in the “Mathematical High School” Project: 'From the Poetic Text to the creation of a new Mathematics in verse’. It is dedicated to second and third high school students.

Mathematics and Poetry work on and with symbols to be interpreted and Art connects them. So, the laboratory started from the analysis of the meaning of a poetic text, a special form of rhythms and rhymes, not random, able to arouse harmonies and sound effects that create a magical effect. The imaging methodology made sure that by striking the senses, the learning process is favoured, stimulating the creative processes of the students. Digital is thus integrated into an active teaching practice, as an action-research in cooperative activities among peers.

The activities designed and elaborated in a constructivist key aim to develop the ability to acquire, understand and justify information (defending against "pseudoscience" and "fake news") by evaluating alternatives, planning investigations, debating among peers.

Mathematical poems have been analysed, such as “The adventure of zero” by Gianni Rodari or “Statistics” by Trilussa and “The Infinite” by Giacomo Leopardi, in which the different ways in which each author expresses himself mathematically are recognized. Through JoAnne Growney's blog “Intersections - Poetry with Mathematics” students worked on poems that use mathematical language to enrich their images and also on poems structured by mathematical concepts, many of which are written by experts in the field to highlight how mathematics can be inspiration and enrichment of poetry. For example, the "Number Theory" of the poet-scientist Mary Peelen, "Although I survived the winter ..." by mathematician Mike Keith who writes in Pilish. The work of Shakespeare, which obeys the mathematical rules of the sonnet, and more recent poetic forms that include the rigid rules of the Fib were the starting point for addressing the history of mathematics with Fibonacci and references to pictorial art with Van Gogh's paintings, and musical with Vivaldi's pieces.

The didactic workshop showed great participation and interest of the students, thanks to the effectiveness of favouring in educational practices with educationally and socially relevant attitudes.
Interdisciplinarity, motivation, socialization, mathematical high school, technology.