Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 3378-3384
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0877
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Team Based Learning (TBL) is a methodology implemented in various knowledge areas and at different levels of education, that places the focus on the student and on collaborative learning, allowing student to achieve effectiveness in his learning process. Microlearning (ML) strategy aims to deliver content in smaller quantities and in a shorter duration than usual, with the aim of enabling students to retain and apply knowledge practically. From the combination of these two methodologies emerged the concept of TBL Plus, that was implemented in the course of "Vehicle Production Technologies and Lifecycle" of the Master's in Automotive Engineering, in a class of 26 students, in a total of 9 sessions.

This paper describes how the methodology was implemented and presents the main results of a survey conducted with the students, which allowed to analyse their perception to the use of TBL Plus. The TBL Plus methodology included the following fundamental steps: Formation of student teams; Provision of pre-selected information by the professor for the students' prior preparation of the sessions; Prior provision of pre-selected information for the challenge to be undertaken during each session; Assessment of students' prior preparation; ML period conducted by the professor; Completion of the challenge proposed to the students during each session; Sharing challenges carried out by the students, in teams; Peer evaluation moment. The topics covered during the challenges consisted of several vehicle production technologies, for which students, working in teams, conducted research, readings, interpretations, and analysis of documents, synthesized information, and presented a critical analysis on the topic. The evaluation process for the students involved the following components: evaluation of the students' prior session preparation; evaluation of the challenge completed by the students; peer evaluation conducted by the students; written test on the contents of the ML component. The implementation of the TBL Plus methodology was evaluated through a questionnaire to the students, including three multiple-choice questions (Likert scale with 5 levels), one linear ranking question (1 to 10) about the global assessment of the methodology and two open-ended questions. The 3 multiple choice questions focused on 3 main themes: the methodology used, the course contents and the functioning of the sessions. The results showed that 82% of the students considered the implementation of the methodology to be Good (25%), Very Good (37.5%) or Excellent (18.8%). Therefore, it was found that the use of this methodology allowed the students to be more attentive and participative, reinforcing their communication and teamwork skills and promoting a more active and critical attitude towards the contents covered and the way the sessions were conducted. The use of TBL Plus led to a more "light and dynamic" classroom environment and enabled students to achieve better grades.

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Team Based Learning, Microlearning, TBL Plus.