1 Santo Amaro University (BRAZIL)
2 Brazilian Society of Hypertension (BRAZIL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 825-837
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.0305
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
The evaluation process in the development of skills and abilities of health professionals who enter the Multiprofessional Health Residency Programs (MHRP) in Brazil, aims to promote qualified in-service training. With regard to skills, it is expected that this professional improves the knowledge base, improves technical skills, assertive decision-making, introduces ethical, behavioral and moral attitudes with a view to exercising leadership, triggering teamwork, promoting team management. care in high complexity, with focus on interdisciplinarity.

To characterize the state of the art on the summative and formative assessment process and the adoption of self-assessment in the development of competencies in Multiprofessional Residency Programs in Health.

This is an integrative review study with a quantitative approach, of a descriptive nature, which intends to answer the guiding question: How is the Summative and Formative Assessment being carried out, if there is adoption of self-assessment in Multiprofessional Residency Programs in Health, with view to improving skills? The Virtual Health Library (BVS) portal and the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Latin American and Caribbean Literature (LILACS) and the United States National Library of Medicine (MEDLINE) databases were used in the last 10 years, from 2012 to 2022, in English and Portuguese, in full texts, combining descriptors using Boolean logic “AND” namely: “Non-medical residency” AND “Self-assessment”, 110 publications were found, of which 4 articles were analyzed and selected . With the descriptor “Non-medical residency” AND “Professional competence”, 363 publications were found, of which 3 articles were analyzed and selected. Following the combination of “Non-Medical Residency” AND “Development Assessment”, 192 articles were found, of which 3 articles were analyzed and selected. The descriptor “Self-Assessment” was combined with “Development Assessment” and 335 publications were found, of which only 1 article was analyzed and selected. The descriptors “Self-assessment” AND “Professional competence” were combined and 335 publications were found, analyzed and 2 articles selected. Finally, “Development Assessment” AND “Professional Competence” were crossed, finding 576 publications, of which 3 articles were analyzed and selected.

Of the 1744 publications, only 15 articles were included, of which 7 (46.7%) presented the self-assessment item, 3 (20%) the CompHP Health Promotion Skills method, 2 (13.3%) Summative Assessment were 2 ( 13.3%) and Formative Assessment 2 (13.3%) and only 1 (6.67) mentions 360° assessment (Miller's Pyramid).

In conclusion, 1740 articles were identified and after rigorous analysis 1728 articles were discarded. Regarding the Summative Assessment and Formative Assessment, it was identified that only 13.3% (2) mentioned the methods, respectively. As for self-assessment, it was identified that 46.7% (7) highlighted the importance of adopting self-assessment. According to the bibliographical production and the records regarding the research question, it was concluded that there is no standard model for this type of training, therefore it is necessary to deepen with exploratory studies and research on the evaluation process in the development of competence in the training of professionals to work in health services in Brazil.
Non-Medical Residency, Assessment Development, Self-evaluation, Professional Competence.