Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 4764-4770
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.1230
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
Teaching the physical fundamentals of structures becomes a complex process when it comes to simplifying them. Students face a variety of challenges when approaching structure calculus, including the inherent complexity of concepts and formulas, the lack of an intuitive understanding of the physical phenomena involved, the difficulty in visualizing structures and their behaviors, as well as the scarcity of adequate resources and teaching methodologies. In this sense, the technological resources available to us can help us facilitate and make these concepts tangible. Specifically, 3D printing offers a new opportunity to improve learning of this topic, by allowing students to experiment with different shapes and configurations of knots in a practical and visual way.

The aim of this project is to improve the learning of calculus of structures by making the concepts more practical and visual, and to make students more interested in the subject. To this end, it is proposed to use innovative teaching methodologies, such as project-based teaching, experimentation, and modelling. These methodologies allow students to experiment with concepts and formulas and see how they apply to the real world. It is expected that, through the implementation of these methodologies, students will be able to overcome the difficulties they encounter in learning the calculus of structures and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for this subject. This project is based on the idea that learning should be active and participatory, and that it should promote the development of critical and creative skills.

To carry out the project, a process of three sessions of 90 minutes each is proposed. In the first session, the teacher explains the basics about knots in structures. Students analyze the load distribution of a beam proposed by the teacher. In the second session, students design the solution to the edge and joints of the beam. Students prepare files for 3D printing. In the third session, students print the beam and test it to see if it works. It is expected that, through the implementation of this process, students will be able to overcome the difficulties they encounter in learning the calculus of structures and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for this subject.

The proposed activity can be adapted to the specific needs of each group of students. For example, the difficulty level of the activity may vary depending on the level of knowledge of the students. Other engineering-related topics, such as material strength or fluid dynamics, can also be incorporated.
Challenge-Based Learning, Beams, 3d printing, complex concepts.