Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 5377-5385
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.1410
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
Results of the analysis of the strategies used in 80 teaching-learning sequences (TLS), designed and developed, individually or collaboratively, by 135 teachers from various academic disciplines and schools of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) are presented; most of the TLS were carried out online by teachers with their students, during the COVID-19 pandemic, when they were participating in the International Diploma Course on Innovation in University Teaching, with a duration of 180 hours, given four times between 2019-2022, by academics of the Group Spaces and Interactive Systems for Education, of the Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of the UNAM.
The strategies were search and recoding of information, development of critical thinking, collaborative work, learning based on problems/projects, flipped classroom and case studies, which functioned as the basis for developing TLS in addition to the incorporation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
By consensus among the participants in the project, the analysis of the strategies was carried out qualitatively through Content Analysis, determining around 12 subcategories for each strategy (categories). For example, for information recoding, some of the subcategories were:
a) Theme selection;
b) Information sources for recoding;
c) Objective of the recoding of information;
d) Modality of representation used;
e) Digital resource used;
f) Modality of student participation;
g) Evaluation instrument used.
In this manuscript, examples of comments expressed by teachers are presented, resulting from the execution of their groups of activities proposed in their TLS concerning the following five aspects:
A. Considerations about whether the strategies employed helped solve the problematization presented and the educational objectives proposed:
"They allowed us to focus learning in phases, each of which allows the development of a specific skill."
"They favoured the understanding of the problem addressed."
B. Achievements achieved with the execution of the TLS.
"Students acquired a leading role in developing their capacities, such as analysis and synthesis of information."
"In the online sessions, the students could interact with their classmates, generating fruitful collaborative work."
C. Problems/Difficulties that arose during the planning and execution of the TLS.
"The hasty implementation of distance classes, due to the health contingency of COVID-19, emotionally wore down teachers and students".
"Some students were resistant to using new digital tools, preferring the familiar ones."
D. Support represented by ICT for the development and execution of the TLS.
"Without ICT, it would not have been possible to develop and execute TLS with students; They were a fundamental and indispensable resource during the COVID-19 epidemic."
"The technologies used in the TLS allowed a constant accompaniment to the students, as well as the development of their communication skills and knowledge management, to achieve the objectives set."
E. Evidence obtained and possible improvements to TLS.
Infographics, conceptual and mental maps, comics, photographs of students carrying out proposed activities, etcétera, were presented as evidence.
As a possible improvement to their TLS: "Establish more collaboration between teachers from different disciplines to provide feedback on the activities carried out by students.
Didactic Strategies, Teaching-Learning Sequences, Interdisciplinary Experiences, Content Analysis, Qualitative Methodology, University teaching.