1 King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Library Affairs (SAUDI ARABIA)
2 Universiti Teknologi MARA, Faculty of Information Management (MALAYSIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 10415-10426
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.2156
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Many organizational behavior researchers have become interested in the topic of engagement over the last few decades. Employees who are engaged exhibit vigor, dedication, and absorptive behavior, which are thought to have a significant impact on work performance and productivity. A small number of empirical studies have supported this theoretical relationship, but more research is needed. Incorporating the antecedents or determinants of engagement, as well as the outcomes, in a single study is the key to gaining a more comprehensive understanding of the subject. While there appears to be an infinite number of variables that can serve as antecedents or determinants of engagement, those related to leadership, organizational environment, and employee characteristics have yet to be thoroughly investigated. Combining these variables as antecedents or determinants of employee engagement and coupling them with the outcomes should be a fascinating research project. This paper contributes to this effort by presenting a conceptual framework depicting leadership, organizational environment, and employee behavior as antecedents or determinants of employee engagement. It also includes task and contextual performance operationalized as work performance. The leadership variable is operationalized as having four dimensions: directive, supportive, participatory, and achievement-oriented, whereas the organizational environment has four dimensions: task significance, task variety, task identity, and task autonomy. Individual characteristics include self-assurance, command, adaptability, and personal effectiveness. In addition to the conceptual framework, several prepositions are provided. The proposed conceptual framework is best investigated using a quantitative research method such as a survey.
Work engagement, environment characteristics, leaders behavior, personal characteristics.