Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 3029-3036
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.0854
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
A first approach to curricular integration is shown in the present study in which teachers of three different subjects of the first year of Medicine (Biology, Biochemistry, Physiology) worked together.

The teachers worked throughout the entire academic year 19.20 in order to achieve several objectives:
1) To find transversal topics to be dealt with by the three subjects;
2) To share and adjust the content of the selected topics;
3) To establish the academic objectives to be achieved by students and teachers;
4) To design a class itinerary and an appropriate methodology;
5) To create new and original materials such as documents, clinical cases and roll-play videos;
6) To design an intuitive and user-friendly space in our virtual space (Canvas);
7) To adjust the schedules and classes of all the subjects involved, as well as the time dedication of the teachers, in addition to finding a suitable place for the new activities within the definitive timetable;
8) To choose an appropriate method for the assessment of the students and teachers.

The selected topics fell under three main headings, those related to osmolarity, tonicity, body water content; those related to the plasma membrane and transport across the membrane; and those related to plasma membrane signalling pathways. These topics were taught in 2 sessions of 5 hours each, led by the 3 professors simultaneously, in which the contents were addressed through lectures, clinical cases, videos, group work, etc. Pedagogical procedures that encourage active learning such as flipped learning, case-based learning, peer instruction, inquiry, small group work, etc. were included. At the end of the second session we launched an opinion questionnaire for students to evaluate different aspects of the new approach (methodologies, material, content, teacher contribution, etc.). In addition, we collected data from the final exams to study the impact of the new integration activity on the students' scores for each selected topic. Moreover, teachers gathered at the end of the experinece to make a reflexion about what was remarkable and to identify the low points. Students seem to be happy with the strategies including clinical cases, practical application and teamwork. Many of them welcomed the used of original humorous videos to introduced the clinical cases ot the topics. Other aspects, such as the length of the sessions and the confusion generated about how the exams and other assesments were goint to be conducted, highlighted areas for improvement. From the teachers perspective the experience was very googd eventhough some aspects were suggested to be changed such as the lenght of the lectures, tha lack of time to work togeteher in the resolution of the practical cases, the total lenght od the sessions, etc. Thus, next semester's sessions will be carried out including all the changes mentioned above, in addition to adding some new topics that will be included in the itinerary.
Curricular integration, active learning, communities of practice, medicine, biology, biochemistry, phisiology.