Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2019 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 5774-5783
ISBN: 978-84-09-08619-1
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2019.1418
Conference name: 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 11-13 March, 2019
Location: Valencia, Spain
The present work deepens on the effects of a flipped learning methodology on the autonomy, self-paced study, teamwork, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and perception-opinion of the Biochemistry subject. We have worked alongside the students of the subject which is included on the first year of Medicine degree. Throughout the first year of the degree, Medicine students confront a bunch of core subjects as Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry. Despite no data has been collected about the initial students’ perception on those subjects in our faculty, the teaching staff have observed their negative attitude and fear, especially for Biochemistry. Even Though the successful pass rate of this subject, student implication, motivation and opinion were not as good as would be desirable. Flipped learning has been described as a methodology that fosters motivation, perception, self-paced study, autonomy, development of teamwork skills, etc. Along the present study, we set up a self design model based on flipped learning methodology which included several outdoor class and indoor class activities: recording videos and setting up study material using technological resources (Explain Everything, Edd Puzzle, Actively learning), dissemination among the students through Moodle platform, evaluation of the study by Socrative tool, correction and resolution of doubts during class time, group dynamics design using pedagogical strategies (Jigsaw method, Socratic seminars, peer instruction, problem based learning, gamification strategies,etc.), elaboration and correction of a self student portfolio (using the wiki tool of moodle platform), evaluation rubric design, evaluation of student different activities through rubrics and completion of a form by the students to evaluate their motivation, perception, self-paced study, teamwork and autonomy. We analysed the data emerged from de evaluation form completed by the students, as well as from the data collected from the web application Edd Puzzle which informs us about the study pattern of every individual student for each different task. The analysis of the data emerged from student evaluation form reveals a positive evolution in the subject perception, so whereas it was initially considered extremely difficult and boring, after the end of the semester was considered interesting, relevant for the medical profession, estimulating for the study and entertaining during in class activities. In addition, a different weekly study pattern has been founded, in comparison with the one observed for subjects with traditional structure. Teamwork activities have a moderated to low evaluation, being the most variable and criticized paragraph. However, the evaluation tools and evaluation content are well valued. Finally, the students global perception of the methodology is highly valued, so the students recommends this approach for other basic subjects to promote study, motivation and learning. We concluded that our particular flipped learning approach motivate and compromise the students, promoting better learning, teamwork and study skills, all these leading to a radical change in the perception and opinion of Biochemistry subject.
Biochemistry, Flipped Classroom, Engagement, Medicine, Motivation, teamwork.