1 Institute of Public Administration (SAUDI ARABIA)
2 Multimedia University (MALAYSIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 49-54
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0028
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
Recently, there is an increased demand for developing traditional learning environments by using and applying new teaching methods in order to enhance students’ learning experiences. Research has shown that technology can support the learning process and enhance it. Augmented Reality (AR) has been used in education to enhance these student learning experiences. It uses virtual objects and layers them in real environments to display extra information that support learning and make the environment more engaging and motivational. Using augmented reality (AR) in education is getting more attention in research, since AR gives the ability to support the real environment with virtual objects, and increases students’ motivation and achievement. Augmented reality can introduce innovative ways that allow us to interact with the real world by creating new experiences that are difficult to be created in unmixed real or virtual environments. AR can create a hybrid learning environment and combine virtual and real elements, and help users experiment scenarios which cannot be done in the real world. Research on applying AR in education is growing, therefore more research is needed to examine its effects on education.

In addition, Cooperative Learning’s pedagogical approaches have also been shown to be a conducive learning environment where students become more engaged with each other as well as with their learning materials. Cooperative Learning has been defined as a group of pedagogical techniques that students can use to complete an academic task. It is also defined as a learning technique in which students work together in groups to maintain an activity to help each other maximize their learning and achieve specific goals. Cooperative Learning consists of the following key elements:
1) Positive Interdependence,
2) Individual Accountability,
3) Promotive Interaction,
4) Interpersonal and social skills, and
5) Group Processing.

Teaching and learning process that uses cooperative learning techniques is a learner-centered model that acquired popularity over lecture-based models. Thus, cooperative learning has been shown to have positive effects on different outcomes as shown in current research. All of these result in a better understanding and consequently better achievement of their student learning processes and outcomes.

In this research paper, a learning environment was developed that was mapped to the Cooperative Learning theoretical framework and supported by augmented reality technology. The combination of Cooperative Learning and Augmented Reality will provide students with the opportunity to improve their learning achievements while immersing themselves in the course content for better understanding and comprehension. A survey was administered to student participants from a networking class from the Institute of Public Administration in Saudi Arabia and data was analyzed to investigate the impact of cooperative learning and augmented reality on student achievement. Findings show that augmented reality technology had a positive impact on the cooperative learning environment and on students’ learning achievement, and a learning framework is presented.
Cooperative learning, Augmented Reality, hybrid learning, technology, learner-centred learning.