Beit-Berl Academic College (ISRAEL)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Page: 347 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.0154
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
An important skill that educators need to learn is the ability to conduct effective dialogues with students, parents, or administrators in different contexts. An effective dialogue is based on interpersonal communication skills such as 'active listening' or 'empathy'.

This poster describes a new pedagogical approach, SBL, which is used to train future teachers for conducting effective dialogues using interpersonal skills.

Our model is based on Kolb's Experiential learning theory which emphasizes experience as the central role in a good learning process, especially when it grows from authentic situations that draw from everyday learners' lives (Kolb, 2017).

Kolb's learning cycle has 4 stages: Stage one- the concrete experience - a key to good learning is active involvement. Stage two- reflective observation - stepping back from the task to review what has been experienced. Stage three -Abstract conceptualization - the process of making sense of what has happened. This involves interpreting, framing and explaining events, concepts or ideas. Stage four- active experimentation- Learners consider how to put what they have learnt into practice.

'Clinical practice' in teacher education:
Efforts to improve teacher education have recently focused on the importance of 'clinical practice' as a critical element of effective preparation. Clinical practice is one of the most important ways for improving the competence of new teachers teaching skills (Darling-hammond, 2014). Experiencing educational simulations before entering real classroom is a meaningful clinical component of teaching training.

Simulations for educational purposes:
Our College has recently opened an 'Educational Simulation Center' for training educators. The new center hosts workshops for various groups, including student-teachers, interns, first-year teachers.
Simulation is a valuable learning tool which enhances new connections between theoretical and practical knowledge. The goal is to enable practice of communication skills in a safe and supportive environment, while confronting conflictual conversations that are close to real-life as possible. Through these simulations, trainees reinforce their interpersonal skills while focusing on the development of caring relationships between teachers, students, parents and principals.

Application of SBL in teacher education based on Kolb:
Our center includes two studios where the simulations are filmed and screened live in adjacent rooms. The simulations follow scenarios that are written in advance to suit the unique needs of the different audiences. Professional actors play various roles (student, parent, principal) and each simulation is followed by a workshop led by a mentor who analyzes the simulation using the 'Simulated Cycle' which include: Experiencing (a simulation) Debriefing (discussion using video clips from the simulation) Reflecting (participants examine values, assumptions and actions and receive feedback from actors, peers and mentor) and Impact (participants examine what impact their experience may have on their professional identity, and what they are taking with them to continue.

[1] Darling-Hammond, L. (2014). Strengthening Clinical Preparation: The Holy Grail of Teacher Education. Peabody Journal of Education, 89: 547–561.
[2] Kolb, D. & Kolb, A. (2017), The experiential educator: Principles and practices of experiential learning, EBLS Press, Kaunakakai, HI.
Experiential learning, Simulation, teacher education.