King Saud University (SAUDI ARABIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 2469-2474
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.0718
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
King Saud University in Saudi Arabia has a Computer Skills course for first-year students. The exam tool is online. However, the class is taught in a traditional manner. The computer department administrators are seeking to replace the lecture only model with one of the interactive learning by using games and engaging students in learning.

The purpose of developing a new teaching strategy is to engage the students in the course.
The re-designed course transforms the class from its traditional manner of lecture only, to a flipped classroom.

We are facing some problems, such as:
Instructors are used to teach in a traditional way - lecture, and teach in English. The computer labs are designed to serve a traditional teaching.

•Learning will shift from lecture to active and engaging learning where students have a stake in both their own learning and their peer’s learning.
•Quizlet and Kahoot game will be used to revise computer English terms with students.

Learning Theory:
Constructivism is the learning theory that guiding the design because this training will be depending on building new knowledge and experience on prior knowledge. Training sessions will deliver the meaning of flipped classrooms, provide activities, and make instructors able to experience the new approaches.

Instructional Design Model:
This training course are designed in a way that model flipped classrooms strategy. Some requirements need to be read and watched by instructors. Besides, some activities and games will be conducted in the sessions. In fact, this training course will be designed by using Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPAC) model.

Targeted Learner Needs:
Some of the learner [Computer Skills Instructors] needs to be addressed.
• Knowledge of the meaning and the implementation of Flipped Classrooms.
• Knowledge of how students will be engaged into the class.
Training Coordinator Needs
• A list of Computer Skills Instructors.
• Classroom for weekly training.
• List of topics/chapters to be taught.
Specific Technology / Environmental Resources
• Instructors/trainer need their own laptops, or a computer equipped with monitor, keyboard, mouse, and a headset.

Measurable Goals – Learning Outcomes:
1. The learner will (TLW) attend an information session on the Computer 101 training.
2. TLW prepare for each week’s lesson.

• The training coordinator will engage the instructors in a modeled peer-lead team learning to ensure they can instruct their students to teach each other in a similar way.
• The training coordinator will allow the instructors to practice creating vocabulary games for use with Kahoot and Quizlet.
Assessment: Checklist, observation.

3. TLW will produce a lesson that implements the flipped classroom approach (at the end of the training).
Training Coordinator will demonstrate and model activities and engaging activities that learners will model and practice.
Assessment: Checklist, Observation.

4. TLW will be able to use games.
The training coordinator will apply real game by modeling how to create new accounts.
Assessment: Checklist, Observation.

There will be a survey with opportunities to provide feedback at the end to allow instructors to present their understanding of the activities provided and their perceptions toward sessions.
Flipped Classroom, King Saud University, KSU, Video games, Kahoot, Quizlet, Traditional teaching, Engagement, Engaging, Involvement, Learning Environment.