University of Granada (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 1144-1148
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0361
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in enhancing the transversal competencies of university students, emphasizing the University's responsibility not only to academically prepare them but also to cultivate aptitudes, values, and social skills. Consequently, organizing training activities that enhance students' transversal competences is essential. In this context, societal commitment, particularly from our university students, to Sustainable Development necessitates tools and opportunities to channel the desire to act and promote skills beyond the strictly academic realm. Currently, companies not only value profiles with strong work skills and experience but also increasingly demand candidates and employees who are actively engaged in social and environmental issues. Recently, a complementary document to the academic CV, known as the social curriculum vitae (CV), has emerged. This CV reflects individuals' experiences, training, and skills in the social-environmental domain. It is constructed on the foundation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations General Assembly, serving as a comprehensive framework guiding global development until 2030. This is where ONNIT, a social action platform, comes into play. It was designed to provide opportunities aligned with the SDGs through a software/platform that measures the social and environmental contributions, and staff through the social CV.

The University of Granada, in its Mission, Vision, and Values Proposal as part of its Strategic Plan, is dedicated to fostering integral individuals who contribute value to society. These individuals are cognizant of principles such as inclusion, equality, respect for diverse individuals, and sustainable development, aligning perfectly with the aforementioned perspective.

The implementation of the social CV will be realized through the creation of activities targeting students, teaching staff, as well as administration and service personnel (ASP). These activities aim to achieve the following:
1) familiarize the university community with the social CV and the ONNIT platform,
2) conduct surveys among university members to measure the frequency of various actions related to equality, inclusion, and sustainability.
3) address the social and environmental aspects demanded by the entire university community and its environment.

This study analyses the results of questionnaires on frequency, using a scale of 1 (never) to 5 (always), of different actions related to equality, inclusion and sustainability, linked to the SDGs, in a sample of members of the university community (students, ASP and teaching staff). It is remarkable the higher frequency of students in “usually walk or cycle, and if it is a long distance, use public transport”, among the ASP in “committed to promoting an atmosphere of respect and tolerance in my environment”, and among the teaching staff “try to use inclusive language in my written and oral communications”. The results obtained showed that all three university groups have high scores in equality, inclusion and sustainability actions, with some exceptions that need to be improved. In accordance with the results obtained, activities have been proposed that have aroused great interest and commitment, offering opportunities for socio-environmental action in line with the SDGs and useful for the achievement of the social CV by members of the university community.
Equality, inclusion, sustainability, social curriculum vitae, higher education, sustainable development goals.