Ural Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN19 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 7540-7545
ISBN: 978-84-09-12031-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2019.1803
Conference name: 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2019
Location: Palma, Spain
Global processes of informatization, huge grows of text information, in addition to new requirements to its analysis, systematization and speed of its processing, result in greater demands for the development of new approaches to training in semantic reading. Semantic reading is a type of reading which is aimed at a comprehension of the text.

Process of semantic reading depends on a number of the factors affecting success of this process. The basic ones are psychophysiological features of the reader, its psychophysiological functions that are differently interacting with the components of semantic reading.

The relevance of a research is caused by need of searching and specification of nature of relationship between the processes of semantic reading's formation and psychophysiological features of readers for the purpose of the indirect development of processes of semantic reading.

Activation of psychophysiological functions of the person during the work with a text is one of the leading goals of semantic reading's studying.

The research was made on the base of Ural Federal University. 240 students (133 girls and 107 young men) at the age of 18-24 years (average age 21 years) took part in a research.

For determination of features of psychophysiological functions, potentially linked to processes of semantic reading, we chose the techniques directed to determination of properties of memory, attention, thinking, a profile of sensorimotor asymmetry, and the type of nervous system. In addition, we tested the speed of reading of the examinees, completeness of the text reproduction. For determination of semantic structure of the text, we used Propositional Analysis of Thorndyke.

According to the results, the most important factors influencing understanding of the text were such psychophysiological functions as memory and attention. Such processes of semantic reading as understanding of the general meaning and the main ideas of the text reflected in propositions of the higher order were the bound to such components of psychophysiological functions as stability and concentration of an attention and level of accuracy of complete representation of a short-term working memory. Perception, storing and reproduction of propositions of the lowest levels were directly bound to resources of endurance of an organism.

Besides, understanding of the general meaning of the text was interrelated with the ability of the examinee to the categorization and determination of verbal communications during the memorization and reproduction of separate symbols and words. Level of a stress that reflects a mental and physical state of reader affected concentration and volumes of memorization and reproduction of information. Such psychophysiological features as sensorimotor asymmetry and force of nervous system also had particular influence. The dominance of left profile of sensorimotor asymmetry led to increase in efficiency and decrease in quantity of mistakes in tasks dealing with separate symbols and words. People with strong type of nervous system had higher indicators in processes of memorization and reproduction, concentration of an attention, and, therefore, in general were more successful in semantic reading and learning.

The speed indicators of reading, reflecting the speed of viewing of information units, in particular separate symbols, words and propositions, characterized more the general technology of reading, rather than processes of semantic reading.
Semantic reading, reading speed, text reproduction, proposition, perseption, memory, attention, sensorimotor asymmetry, force of nervous system, students.