University of Malaga (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 6363-6369
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1584
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The incorporation of the gender perspective in the educational scene has had its maximum development at non-university levels of education. It was not until a more recent date, coinciding with the approval of different regulatory frameworks, that the inclusion of the gender perspective in university education began to be promoted. However, these regulatory frameworks that have allowed the creation of new scenarios and opportunities have not had a direct impact on the classroom. These have not meant that teachers are trained in gender competencies and, much less, that students work specifically and/or transversally on gender content. This continues to be, to a large extent and despite its obligation, at the mercy of the voluntarism of teachers who, committed to it, try it from their respective subjects and of students with a certain sensitivity in this regard. This task in an area such as the university is further complicated due to the lack of references to follow, the low gender awareness and the difficulty of finding experiences on the introduction of the gender perspective in university teaching.
Compared with other disciplines, architecture teaching has incorporated reflection on the scope of equality between people more slowly. At present we find ourselves as much of the architecture has been conceived with a null or limited gender perspective. Despite the multiple and original contributions that many female architects have made throughout history, they are barely mentioned. This has given rise not only to situations of inequality and discrimination in teaching, research and professional practice, but also an androcentric vision of our discipline that has focused its discourse on the work carried out, mainly, by male figures who have conditioned and limited the ways of knowing, studying and feeling architecture. In this sense, the Schools of Architecture are the first space for action to achieve equality between male and female architects through the transversal incorporation of gender. However, these, for the most part, are revealed as masculinized educational centers. In them, the transmission of knowledge has been carried out from the traditional androcentric values of architecture by teachers who do not perceive inequality or the need to include the gender perspective.
The objective of this communication is, first of all, to deepen the analysis of how throughout the 20th and 21st century in the field of architecture and urban planning there has been a situation of inequality between women architects with respect to their male colleagues in the both academic and professional field that is still present and, secondly, to reflect on the way in which from the teaching of Architecture it is possible to promote, both specifically and transversally, the gender perspective from the incorporation of innovative teaching initiatives in their methodology, but also in their contents that are committed to the gender perspective, make visible the work of women architects and awaken interest and sensitivity for the achievement of real and effective equality between men and women.
Teaching, architecture, gender perspective, equality in education.