University of Malaga (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 6478-6484
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1615
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The process of creating an architectural project is a creative process that transcends any cause-effect relationship and that leads us to understand the action of designing not as a mechanical action that leads us to solving a problem, but as a speculative process. Thought and creation are closely related in any project process.
In this way, the architectural project acquires values and meanings that are above what is objective and tangible, thus reaching a double dimension: on the one hand, the rational and objective that evokes that character of the most technical, easily transferable and stable project. On the other hand, the subjective and personal are common in all creative events. Both factors acquire the same and decisive importance in the development of the project. However, it is the most objective and easily transmissible aspect that becomes, in most cases, the center of attention during the development of the project and in its teaching, forgetting or leaving aside this highly creative component that it owns.
This is partly because creativity has traditionally been considered a quality, a gift, possessed by only a few. However, at present there are various authors who agree that creativity is a universal human capacity that we all possess to a greater or lesser extent and that, like all human capacities, it is capable of being educated.
The importance that this creative component acquires in the training of the future architect entails a completely new approach to teaching. At present we observe how in the programs of many subjects of the Architecture degree the development of creativity in the students appears as an objective, but few teachers come to indicate how to do it. So this aspect often goes unnoticed or is forgotten.
The development of this communication aims to delve into how innovation and creativity can be applied to the teaching of architecture projects; analyze the common bases of those pedagogical procedures that stimulate and support a proactive approach to creativity in the classroom and define teaching innovation strategies that stimulate imagination and creative thinking, allow students to express their thinking, imagination and creativity, create situations and activities motivating, encourage observation and reflection to provoke creation and awaken an attitude of search, curiosity and a desire to know.
As a methodology, it is proposed, at first, to analyze each of the phases that the architectural project contemplates, from its conception to its material concretion, stopping at each of them and detailing how this creative process takes place. In a second phase we will pronounce on issues that we consider relevant in relation to the way to proceed when making and teaching architecture.
As a result, the study will allow us to reveal in greater depth the creative process in which the action of projecting and reflecting on their teaching is developed and the need to modify their usual didactics in which this more creative component is not taken into account with the intensity that it should. This will lead us to define different teaching strategies focused more on teaching an attitude, a disposition towards the project, on generating learning situations that have as their objective the training of the student rather than the accumulation of objective knowledge in a way that leads them to increase their cultural heritage and help them create creative thinking on which to conceive the architectural project.
Teaching, architecture, creativity, architecture project.